It has been 135 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Teen Titans Speak!
Booster booster Marty writes
not sure if anyone's tipped you off to this yet, but booster had a speaking appearance in a recent episode of teen titans go! (season 7, episode 46, "TV Knight 7") i can't speak to the quality of the episode as a whole as i've only seen the relevant part (i.e. where booster was on screen), but i'll admit to getting a chuckle or two out of it.
I found some confusion as to whether "TV Knight 7" is Teen Titans Go! season 7 episode 46 as reported on or episode 45 as counted by Whatever number it is, it does indeed give Booster Gold his first speaking part in the series.
The Cartoon Network link above will take you to a preview of the episode, in which you can hear Booster in action, voiced by Fred Tatasciore.
Unlike Marty, I have watched the entire episode, written by Luke Cormican and Josh Weisbrod and directed by Cormican. It's got a real Robot Chicken feel to it, and like most anthologies, its short, unconnected gags — a Mad-style blend of television and comics tropes — can be a bit hit or miss. I thought the Booster Gold segment was the episode's highlight, but I admit I may have a bit of a bias there.
You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll thank Marty for bringing this to your attention.
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