It has been 129 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022
New Release: Human Target 4
Human Target #4 is out today. The issue is essentially an extended interrogation of Ted Kord by Christopher Chance — interrupted occasionally by crime fighting with Ice! Booster Gold makes no appearance, but he sure gets talked about a lot.
words by Tom King, art by Greg Smallwood, letters by Clayton Cowles
I am officially on record as no fan of writer Tom King's characterizations, but golly, that seems like a very insightful conversation about a couple of characters that I am very, very familiar with. In fact, I liked this entire comic book in spite of my misgivings about King's work. (Greg Smallwood's art is no disappointment, either.)
Unrelated to that, may I offer special thanks to Booster booster J, who has recently been alerting me to typos here on the site. I'm fixing them as fast as I can, J! Thanks for bringing them to my attention; I appreciate your help in making better.
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