It has been 133 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Monday, August 19, 2019
New Heroes of the Millennium
As reported by The Blot on Twitter, that the Bryan Hitch alternate cover to Brian Michael Bendis' upcoming Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium mini-series has been revealed, and it prominently features the Man of Gold.
Per colorist Alex Sinclair's Instagram:
This isn't a single cover, by the way. When Bendis originally released the black and white inks (in *his* Instagram), he made it clear that this wasn't the cover to one book but two!
EXCLUSIVE! I was just sent the variant cover art for Millennium #1-2, which interconnect, by Bryan Hitch. @dccomics #dcnation #legionofsuperheroes #legionofsuperheroesmillenium #supergirl #boostergold #batmanbeyond #omac #kamandi #notmessingaround #preorder #longlivethelegion
Looked at that way, Booster will be front and center on the cover of issue two. Yes, please!
Thanks, Blot. I'll be standing in line outside my LCS when Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium #2 is released on October 2.
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