It has been 128 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Friday, August 3, 2018
The Word of the Day Is Fun
Mike Cecchini interviewed Dan Jurgens at San Diego Comic-Con for Den of Geek. Of course, the topic of Booster Gold came up, including Jurgens' reaction to Tom King's "The Gift" story in Batman.
Den of Geek: You are also known as the creator of Booster Gold, and Booster has been absent from the DC Universe the last couple of years until that story that came towards the end of your run on Action Comics. What was it like revisiting Booster yet again, and are we ever going to see him again, or see you working on him again?
Dan Jurgens: Well, it's always fun to work on Booster Gold, and it's sort of like he comes up for a while, then he fades and comes back. Working on him in Action was a lot of fun. Watching Tom King use him in Batman was a lot of fun, and obviously Tom is using him in a new series that's coming up, called Heroes in Crisis. And, after that we'll see. Booster is, I think, this fun jovial character who is very complicated on one level, and at the same time very direct. In comics we have characters with secret identities, and all sorts of secrets they try and protect. Booster just wears it on his sleeve, and it's all out there for everybody to see, both the good and the bad, and he has plenty of faults. I think that's what makes it fun to work on Booster Gold, so yeah, hopefully out there we'll see something.
"And, after that we'll see." Booster will need something to do after Heroes in Crisis ends in March. And Green Lanterns is being cancelled in October, leaving Dan Jurgens working on only one book (Batman Beyond ). Wouldn't it be nice if we could get a creator/creation reunion in 2019?
You can read what else Jurgens had to say about his past work with Superman and his current plans for Green Lantern at
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