Friday, April 6, 2018
New Beard for Batman
Earlier this week via Twitter, Tony Daniel revealed that the cover for Batman 46 has been changed from the cover solicited. I have to say, I like the new cover much better. Just look at the crazy thing happening here:
No, I'm not talking about gun-toting Batman or Batman Returns Catwoman. I only have eyes for Booster Gold's beard!
Facial hair is a rarity for Booster. It's certainly not something that Shag and Rob mentioned when they covered the character's vitals in their recent Fire and Water Network "Who's Who DC Universe Podcast." They're pretty thorough, though, so I'm sure they'll correct that oversight when they get around to doing the "Update '18" podcast.
To find out why Booster has grown a beard, I guess we'll all have to buy Batman #46 when it hits our Local Comic Shops on May 2.
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