It has been 135 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Friday, December 21, 2012
If Only They'd Told Us Sooner
As loyal reader deusex2 told us in yesterday's comments, Sony has rewarded DC Universe Online players with their own personal Skeets!
Sony Online Entertainment is calling this gunmetal gray "25th Century Communicator battle companion" Servo. The biggest difference from this little Skeets clone and the real thing is that Servo tells jokes. We all know the original -- and best! -- football-shaped battle buddy is a serious as a heart attack.
Don't make the mistake of following the lure of this siren's song pseudo-Skeets into playing DC Universe Online now, though. The battle companion was rewarded to active legendary account holders this past Tuesday. There was no advance announcement of this gift, and Servo units are not tradable between accounts. According to the official DC Universe Online Twitter account:
"You needed to have bought a membership earlier and been active - it is a thank you gift for current members."
Might as well call it a "see what you missed out on" gift for Skeets fans this Christmas.
UPDATE 12/22/2012: Mepps on Twitter reminds us that lapsed legendary account holders get a free 30 days to return to Metropolis where you'll be able to visit other people's battle bots.
Something's better than nothing, yes?
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