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Friday, September 14, 2012

Dressing Up for Dragon Con 2012

DragonCon 2012, the "world's largest fantasy/sci-fi convention," was held Labor Day weekend in Atlanta. In celebration of all the hard work that went into having so much fun at DragonCon, my fellow DC fan bloggers and I are sharing some DragonCon 2012 photos of our heroes. Of course, the photos of Booster Gold are the best.

Shelley as Booster Gold at Dragon Con 2012 (pic courtesy Firestorm Fan)

The Booster Gal above is Shelley, and the pic comes to us courtesy The Iredeemable Shag! of Shag normally has some great pictures of DragonCon, and this year was no exception. Better still, this year Shag introduced us to The Superhero Costuming Forum, which leads to some other great cosplay photos.

Booster Gold joins the Legion of Super Heroes at Dragon Con 2012 (pic courtesy KalelKara of The Superhero Costuming Forum)

The fellow above has been cosplaying Booster Gold in his spiffy metallic costume for a few years. I guess by now he's earned enough cred to join the prestigious Legion of Super Heroes. Although, if they are going to swear in Matter Eater Lad, it looks like they'll take anybody.(Photo by KalelKara at The Superhero Costuming Forum.)

Booster Gold of the New 52 at Dragon Con 2012 (pic courtesy KalelKara of The Superhero Costuming Forum)

I'm not going to lie: some of these cosplayers can make the New 52 costumes look pretty good. The same cannot be said for the poor fellow who came dressed as Booster Gold. Sorry, buster, but there's just no way to make that costume shine. (Photo by KalelKara at The Superhero Costuming Forum.)

Pyynk as Booster Gold at Dragon Con 2012 (pic courtesy Bryan Humphrey)

UPDATE 09/14/12: Ooops! There was at least one other Booster Gold at Dragon Con that I failed to include. Pyynk brings me to task for leaving him out of the fun. My apologies, sir. Your costume, now pictured above, is far too good to be ignored. (Photo by Bryan Humphrey.)

If you like what you've seen here, check out more cosplaying photos at these other fine sites:

Aquaman at Aquaman Shrine
Atom at Power of the Atom
Doctor Fate at Tower of Fate
Doom Patrol at My Greatest Adventure 80
Firestorm at Firestorm Fan
Flash at Speed Force
Hawkman/Hawkgirl at Being Carter Hall
Martian Manhunter at The Idol-Head of Diabolu
Wonder Woman at Diana Prince is the New Wonder Woman
Vixen and Zatanna at Justice League Detroit
and many more obscure DC heroes at DC Bloodlines

Our thanks to Shag and the great cosplayers at The Superhero Costume Forum for sharing your pics.

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