It has been 128 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011
New Release: Time Masters TPB
With Justice League: Generation Lost #22 released 2 weeks ago, you might have expected to see #23 this week. But you won't. Justice League: Generation Lost #23 won't ship until next week. This is not the first 3-week gap between issues, but with only 2 issues to go, it should be the last.
This week the only Booster Gold you're likely to see is in the Time Masters: Vanishing Point collected trade. If you passed on individual Time Masters issues waiting on the trade, now's your chance. And you're in luck: the trade is advertised at $14.99. If you bought the 6 individual issues, you spent $23.94 for 138 pages of story (including covers, excluding variant covers). Considering that the trade is advertised at 144 pages, it appears that good things do come to those who wait. Buy it and make Skeets happy.
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