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Showing posts 1 - 5 of 24 matching: reviews

Monday, August 3, 2020

Blue and Gold, Best Friends Forever

Curious what enduring friendship looks like? Look no further than DC Cybernetic Summer #1, "Boys of Summer by Heath Corson, Scott Koblish, et al.

Blue and Gold Now:

© DC Comics

+1 Year:

© DC Comics

+10 Years:

© DC Comics

+20 Years:

© DC Comics

+30 Years:

© DC Comics

+40 Years:

© DC Comics

Unapologetically silly and sincere, this is my favorite kind of super hero comic story. The way comics are packaged and sold these days, it could only appear in one of DC's seasonal anthology books, so a hearty thanks to DC Cybernetic Summer for making the space for it.

If you don't have your own yet, inquire at your Local Comic Shop. This comic is 100% Boosterrific.

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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

What They Said

While I make an attempt to give a token response to whether or not I think any individual Booster Gold comic might be worth reading, I don't exactly review them. I leave that for the professionals.

And the professionals have spoken. Here are a smattering of reviews for Convergence Booster Gold #1 that have numbers attached to them (ratings have been adjusted to fit a 10-point scale for standardization) 5/10
Comicosity: 9/10 8/10 8/10 7.5/10 6/10 8/10
Weird Science: 8/10 8.5/10

That averages out to a 7.5, or better than average. I'd certainly agree to that.

(Footnote: after I'd compiled that list above, I discovered that had already done the exact same legwork. Good on them.)

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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Ageless Wonder

DC's squabbling New 52 Universe seems aimed at angry young teenagers too young to remember the 1990s. That's part of what makes this review of an outdated trade of Booster Gold comics so interesting.

Indeed, Booster Gold's eponymous series was never particularly outstanding, but it was one thing that made it stand head and shoulders above the rest: It was fun. In a world surrounded by joyless, ultra-serious grim-and-grittiness, we have a fun, irreverent, silly book which plays with the idea of time travel in a superhero shared universe.

I pulled that quote from "The Stuff of Legend" blog posted on Saturday by Levi Sweeney, a self-professed "awesome" high-school student. I think that's a pretty fitting description. I mean, any high-school who recognizes the greatness of Booster Gold should certainly be called "awesome"!

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Monday, July 14, 2014

In Case You Missed It

At least Booster Gold hasn't entirely disappeared from the DCnU. The mysterious organization Spyral is keeping an eye on our hero, as seen in last week's Grayson #1.

© DC Comics

I picked up the book only because long-time Booster booster Shawn Baston clued me into the cameo, and I wasn't disappointed. I have no idea how the events of Grayson are supposed to fit into the post-Flashpoint chronology of Batman, but maybe things like that aren't important anymore. What is important is that the book is fun, beautiful, and — most importantly — contains Booster Gold.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Under the Weather, Over the Pencils

I'm suffering from a string of migraine headaches that are making it very difficult to sit in front of a computer monitor. So for the time being, all you're getting is this panel from Booster Gold, Volume 1, #13.

© DC Comics

Nice bedside manner, Nurse Ratched.

I've always loved inker Gary Martin's nearly minimalist approach with this issue. His style has always felt appropriate for the very 1980s adventures of a very 1980s hero, and turned Dan Jurgens' traditional action-adventure layouts into a noir motion picture, especially as we finally get Booster's sad-sack take on his own twisted origin story. You can find some of Gary Martin's work in his gallery on

Booster had to travel to the future for a cure to his illness. Hopefully, some caffeine and aspirin will take care of mine. (It's hard to type without looking at what you're doing.)

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