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Showing posts 1 - 5 of 7 matching: new release

Friday, May 3, 2024

New Release: DC's Spring Breakout!

Talkin Booster Gold

Booster Gold does not appear in this week's DC's Spring Breakout! one-shot, but that's apparently only because he was too anxious to hit the waves.

This is the first panel of the fourth page in the anthology's fourth story, "The Day the Robot Danced":

© DC Comics
words by James Reid, letters by Josh Reed

Hmm. A signed surfboard would be hard to frame and hang on the wall in my office, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to try.

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Monday, April 3, 2023

A Hard Day's Night

Since Gold Beetle is a Booster Gold legacy character, I'm sure Booster boosters everywhere will want to know that previews reveal that she's in this week's The Flash #796.

But I can't talk about it. Not yet.

You'll recall that just last week, I mentioned that The Flash #795 ended with a big reveal related to Heroes in Crisis. Well, it seems that in this week's book, Gold Beetle tells us what she's done and how.

Even though I've got a bone to pick about this particular revelation — why can't we all just agree that Heroes in Crisis never happened? — I'm not going to talk about it yet. I'm not even going to link to the preview because it definitely counts as spoiler territory (even though Heroes in Crisis came out four years ago!).

At the very least, I should read the whole story before I form a solid opinion about it. For all I know, by the end of the "One-Minute War" storyline, time travel shenanigans will have rewritten history (again). It certainly wouldn't be the first time a Flash has changed history.

Maybe this time, they can finally excise Heroes in Crisis from all continuities. That would be nice.

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Monday, January 17, 2022

New Release: Blue and Gold 5

If it feels like a long time since we've had an issue of Blue and Gold, it's not your imagination. Blue and Gold #4 was released over two months ago!

Sadly, a pandemic-triggered paper shortage and international shipping restrictions have combined to make issues of Blue and Gold few and far between. I hope that difficulty in getting your hands on a comic book was the least of your problems in 2021.

The good news is that 2022 is starting on a better note. At long last, Blue and Gold #5 is due to arrive in your Local Comic Shop tomorrow.

© DC Comics

A preview of the issue — with Rip Hunter and The Beatles! — is available at, but I know you don't really need the extra taste before buying.

Buy this issue and make Skeets happy.

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Wednesday, November 24, 2021

New Release: DC Vs Vampires 2

Thanks to all who wrote to tell me that Booster Gold is in this week's DC Vs. Vampires #2.

For the record, I bought the first issue because I am a big fan of the Wonder Twins. If you read that issue, you know why I wasn't planning on buying issue two. You can imagine how happy I was to see Booster Gold make a supporting appearance in which he is a complete jerk to grieving Jayna.

© DC Comics
Why would he say that?! Booster has a twin sister, too! Was Guy Gardner unavailable to deliver that line?

Honestly, though, I have never been a fan of this type of book. I have never wanted to read about corrupted heroes doing horrible things to other heroes... or, for that matter, to villains. Vampires aside, I certainly don't need a comic where the plot requires moral bastions Superman and Wonder Woman to mutely watch a "hero" bully a girl who is in emotional distress over the loss of her brother! Who cares about characterization? We're only here for sexual innuendo and mass murder!

(Pause for deep breath.)

Look, DC is giving me a Blue and Gold series right now, and I love it. If this is your kind of book, great. I'll buy what I love, and you can buy what you love. Live and let read — emphasis on live.

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Monday, November 15, 2021

New Release: Blue and Gold 4

I do not have Blue and Gold #4 in my hand yet, but DC Comics' exclusive direct-market partner, Lunar Distribution, expects it to ship this week for a November 16 release, and I'm going to take them at their word.

DC feels so confident, in fact, that they've already released a sneak peek of the book to It's a cute couple of pages of Blue and Gold being interviewed by their adoring press, but the best part is

© DC Comics

"Art, Present Day" by Ryan Sook, "Art, Blue Beetle's Sequence" by Kevin Maguire, and — most importantly — "Art, Booster Gold's Sequence" by Dan Jurgens and Norm Rapmund?! It's a Justice League International and Booster Gold Volume 2 reunion! That alone should be worth the wait.

Buy this issue and make Skeets (and Buggles) happy!

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