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Friday, March 29, 2024

My Favorite Pages: Hawk and Dove 1

My Favorite Pages

Do you remember that my favorite page in Justice League International #24 was Booster and Beetle behaving badly at a super-hero gathering?

If so, then you can probably already guess which page is my favorite in Hawk and Dove #1.

© DC Comics

These panels are a flashback to events behind the scenes of Invasion! Book Two, which means this party actually takes place before that one. So if Booster seems comparatively immature here, don't worry; he grows up fast.

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Monday, April 18, 2016

This Day in History: Make Dove Not War

Booster Gold has never been especially lucky in love. In fact, he's never been very lucky in anything at all. But his love affairs stand out as particularly star-crossed.

While Booster has had semi-stable relationships with actress Monica Lake and Firestorm's main squeeze, Firehawk, he's just as likely to be seen striking out. Justice League International fans may recall Booster made a fool of himself hitting on Justice League Europe liaison Catherine Cobert. Superboy fans might remember the embarrassing time Booster and Beetle both failed in their desperate attempts to pick up Superboy's fellow Raver Aura. But does anyone remember that time during Invasion! when Booster Gold struck out with Dove?

As seen in a flashback in Hawk & Dove Volume 3, #1 — released 27 years ago today! — Booster decided that the middle of an alien invasion of Earth was the right time to make a move on Dove. (The heart wants what the heart wants!) Both Dove and Hawk disagreed.

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Awk-ward! For a Time Master, Booster Gold can have some pretty bad timing.

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