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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

New Release: Blue Beetle Rebirth #1

Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1 is out today. It features the return of Ted Kord as the mentor to Jaime Reyes. You can find two previews online at and

On a related note, DC Comics released solicitations for comics shipping in November earlier this week. As has become the norm, Booster Gold was nowhere in sight.

Could a future issue of Blue Beetle be where we'll next see our hero? Given that the series is written by Keith Giffen, it seems a possibility. Consider picking up this issue and getting in on the ground floor.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Time Masters Are on His List

So Comic Con has taught us that we can look forward to seeing Booster Gold in action figures and cartoons. But what about the comics? Things might be looking up there, too. reported from the DC Rebirth: Superman panel where Action Comics writer Dan Jurgens had this to say:

"One of the great things about having a book coming out twice a month, you can explore corners you might not be able to in a monthly book," Jurgens said, as having "forty pages a month to play with" allows for more detours.

A fan asked what the Time Masters have been up to since "Convergence." "It's on my list of things to get to," [Jurgens] said. "The good thing about two books a month is you can get through a lot of material really quick."

Jurgens also expressed hope that he would get the chance to return Superman's red trunks. That sounds like a perfect excuse for a time travel story to me!

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wait, Is Superman Dead Again Already?

DC has released solicitations for the first month of their rebirth project. You will not be surprised that there is no mention of Booster Gold coming to the DCnU. (I assume that's still what we're calling current continuity. Some of the solicitations seem to imply that despite what we learned about the multiverse in last year's Convergence, the old DCU is truly, definitively dead. I guess something needs to die before you can have a "rebirth.")

Anyway. DC hasn't entirely forgotten about Booster Gold. He is slated to appear in one new trade. Per the solicitation from

Written by DAN JURGENS
The Man of Steel has died! Falling at the hands of the monster Doomsday, the Justice League's most powerful member is now gone, and along with killing him, the creature grievously injures Leaguers Blue Beetle, Booster Gold and more! How will the Justice League re-collect in this moment of crisis? Who will be the newest members? And how will they deal in a world without Superman? Learn all the answers in these tales from JUSTICE LEAGUE AMERICA #69-77!
On sale AUGUST 31
240 pg, FC, $19.99 US

So there is that. If you weren't reading comics in 1992, you could do much worse than this collection of stories about the world without Superman. Plus, you get to find out what the deal was with Bloodwynd. As an added bonus, you get to see the return of Skeets and a powerless Booster Gold backhanded by a demon! Hooray!

You have to admit, it's better than nothing.

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Monday, March 28, 2016

Crazier Things Have Happened

This past weekend at WonderCon, DC Comics unveiled many of their plans for Rebirth. Although Ted Kord will be returning to mentor Jaime Reyes, there was no hint that we'll be seeing a Booster Gold comic anytime soon.

At least no obvious hint.

© DC Comics

That's Gary Frank's cover to DC Universe: Rebirth, the one-shot book written by Geoff Johns that will be launching the Rebirth event. If you're familiar with Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel frescoes, you'll recognize Superman's pose as he reaches out to touch the hand of god. A contributor to Comics Amino thinks he knows who that god will be.

Who could the character that ties directly to rebirth and is manipulating things behind the scenes be?
A being who is apart of the time stream itself and has the knowledge of the past, present and future and can monitor any activity within the time stream.
I think Waverider Booster will be the key to everything.

It may be wishful thinking on my part, but I'd like to believe this commentator (who posts under the pseudonym "Booster Gold"!). Part of his argument is based on an exchange between Johns and Booster Gold creator Dan Jurgens at the "DC All Access Live: DC Universe Rebirth" panel at WonderCon.

If you fast-forward to about 34:50 in the video above, Dan Jurgens will be introduced as the writer who will be returning the post-Crisis Superman to Action Comics in June. He will conclude the interview with this exchange with Geoff Johns:

Johns: There's also a character in there that will tie directly to Rebirth, and some of the stuff that you're playing with is long term for the story we're building. It's really exciting.

Jurgens: Right, exactly. You'll certainly see more of that right in the first issue as we see someone manipulating things behind the scenes putting everything in its place, and it's building to quite a big conclusion.

Last week Johns told Booster Gold fans that big things are coming and we're going to be happy, and now Jurgens is teasing some time-manipulating puppet-master responsible for restoring portions of the post-Crisis DC Universe. Is the reason we haven't seen Waverider since Convergence because he's been busy fixing the DCnU?

So, Booster Gold in Rebirth? Who knows. It could all just be a coincidence or wishful thinking. After all, DC teased that Booster would play a significant role in both Infinite Crisis and Futures End, and neither of those came to pass. However, I'd rather stay positive and hope for the best. Isn't that what a rebirth is all about?

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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

An Honor to be Nominated

Waaaay back in October, declared Booster Gold to be the 24th best DC Comics character. Booster received 634 total points in the reader poll, including 11 first place votes! How could I have missed that?

Booster was sandwiched between Zatanna and Captain Marvel. Neither of them has their own comic book either.

You can find the whole list of the "2015 Top 100 DC Characters" at

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