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Showing posts 1 - 5 of 9 matching: blackest night

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

New Old Releases: DC Comics Art of Ivan Reis

Scheduled for release today is a $40 hardcover collection of work by Ivan Reis titled Graphic Ink: The DC Comics Art of Ivan Reis, including "the complete Blackest Night." Since Booster Gold made token appearances in the first and last issues of that mini-series, we can expect to see him in this.

It looks like the only Booster we've been seeing recently in the DCU is in reprints. Is that better than nothing? I'm not sure.

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Blackest Night Lives!

It's the zombie series that just wouldn't die! Blackest Night Director's Cut is released today. Advertised to contain the scenes that didn't make the final cut, this 80-page giant will presumably include the missing sections that make the series readable explain why we didn't see Blue Beetle II resurrected alongside Monarch I. Sorry, I don't mean to be snarky, but, gee whiz, I feel like I wasted a lot of money on this never ending series for so little reward.

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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Blackest Night: The End

The final issue of Blackest Night is released today. I know I'm in the minority on this, but it seems like the publication of the final issue of this mini-series, a months-long excuse for DC to wade through its recent graveyard of poor editorial decisions and join the bandwagon of the pop-culture zeitgeist for zombies, is cause for celebration. Let's get Brightest Day in here to cleans our palates after all that death.

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Friday, February 5, 2010

Booster Gold Versus The Doom Patrol

Booster Gold Volume 2 Sales Vs Canceled TitlesToday's graph compresses the timeline of yesterday's graph to compare apples to apples: issue by issue of sales numbers for recently canceled DC titles. The trend becomes pretty obvious here as ballooning early enthusiasm quickly deflates to a sloping plateau before finally petering out altogether. Note the recurring late series crossover spikes as Blue Beetle #20 is a Sinestro Corps crossover and both Manhunter #13 and 26 got boosts from Infinite Crisis-related stories. I wonder how big those spikes would have been if little plastic rings had been involved?

DC's sales cancellation threshold, while dependent on editorial discretion, is approximately 15,000 units. That's the white line in the graph above. Unless "Blackest Night" or the arrival of Keith Giffen can earn Booster Gold some new regular readers, it looks like the series will be targeted for termination by issue 50. I find that unacceptable. So spread the word, Boosterphiles, and lets see if we can't get some more air under Booster's sails.

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Booster Gold Versus The Losers

Booster Gold Volume 2 Sales Vs Canceled TitlesI certainly hope that Booster Gold never gets canceled (again). But curiosity got the better of me, and I compared the sales numbers for Booster Gold against some recent DC titles that got the axe for poor sales. It's pretty easy to spot a recurring trend in's statistics. Here's hoping Booster Gold's recent sales spike is more than just outlier data.

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