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Friday, October 8, 2010

New York Comic Con

Today kicks off this weekend's 2010 New York Comic Con, billed as the biggest comics expo on the East Coast. DC certainly plans to have a presence at the convention even if they aren't planning any Booster Gold events. Thankfully, Ilikecomicstoo is picking up DC's slack and will be hosting an informal gathering for Booster Gold and Blue Beetle fans on Saturday at noon. Details are on her website,, or her YouTube channel, Have a good time, everybody.

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blue and Gold in Business

I recently added this totally awesome image from the next issue tease in Justice League Europe #6 to the database.

Justice League Europe #6, 1989. © DC Comics

I liked it so much, I mocked-up the business card that the pair were no doubt handing to all their contacts. ("Here, take my card, Mr. Wayne.")

Blue & Gold Card. Logos and trademarks © DC Comics

Don't bother asking why would I waste my time in such a frivolous manner as making recreations of fictional business cards referenced in one-panel gags from comic books published 20 years ago. It's my time, and I'll waste it however I want to. So there.

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Irregularly Scheduled Releases

Hmm. With one monthly mini-series, one bi-weekly series, and one ongoing series, you probably wouldn't expect to find many weeks in a month with no Booster Gold appearances. But that's what you've got today.

So instead of spending time inside reading comic books, maybe you could go outside and enjoy some pleasant autumn weather. Go fly a kite. Play some football. Chase squirrels. Whatever takes your mind off the gaping hole in your soul that only a Booster Gold comic book can fill.

Booster Gold: it's not an addiction, it's a lifestyle.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

DC Universe Offline

The long awaited, Booster Gold-including DC Universe Online is being pushed back to a 2011 release. has the press release, which indicates that the game's release was pushed back for quality assurance reasons. I assume that in this day and age where games are released with complementary bugs that require extensive patching, quality assurance means that they want the game to be bootable, if not actually playable.

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Good Grief

Charlie Brown as Booster GoldCharles Shulz's Peanuts strip turned 60 on Saturday. So, for the second post in a row, I've missed a significant cartoon milestone. Really, somebody ought to tell me these things ahead of time.

I was aware that October 2 was the day that Rock Hudson died. That was the lead story on, which let me down by making no mention of Peanuts. I'm not going to judge which event was more significant -- the initial publication of one of the most popular comic strips in the world or the death of a Hollywood star to a pariah's disease -- but I would think that they both deserve a place in the history books. Or at least the history websites.

By the way, Charlie Brown was four-years-old in his earliest appearances. If he aged like a normal person, he'd be eligible for retirement next year. After 60 years of being so consistently entertaining, you'd think that would be something he'd be looking forward to.

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