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Time Masters: Vanishing Point

“Passageway: Part Four”

Volume 1, Issue 4, December 2010
Released October 27, 2010

Cover Price: $3.99
Estimated Issue Sales: 22,813 Rating
  • Currently 2.0/5 Stars.
Fan Rating
  • Currently 3.0/5 Stars.

Time Masters: Vanishing Point, Vol. 1, #4. Image © DC Comics



Writer: Dan Jurgens
Penciller: Dan Jurgens
Inker: Norm Rapmund
Colorist: Hi-Fi Designs
Letterer: Travis Lanham
Assistant Editor: Rachel Gluckstern
Editor: Michael Carlin
Cover Artists: Hi-Fi Designs, Dan Jurgens, Norm Rapmund

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Cover Description: Superman, Booster Gold, Green Lantern, and Rip Hunter fall into a vortex.

Brief Synopsis: Supernova confronts the Time Stealers.

Booster Gold's role in this story:
Featured (Booster Gold plays a prominent role)

Costume Worn: Supernova power-suit

Issue Notes: According to the cover, this issue (as well as the entire mini-series) is a "Search for Bruce Wayne" tie-in, despite only 4 interior panels mentioning it.

Reprint Notes: This mini-series has been collected in Time Masters: Vanishing Point.

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Image Copyright DC Comics

Page 12, panel 2
Supernova emerges from hiding to assault the Time Stealers (Black Beetle, Despero, Per Degaton, and Ultra-Humanite) and prevent the Linear Men (Liri Lee, Matthew Ryder) from revealing the final resting place of Waverider.

Page 14, panel 5
Again Supernova speaks to the unidentified, disembodied voice first encountered in Time Masters: Vanishing Point #1.

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Boosterrific Review: Why isn't this a 4-issue mini-series? Why is this story a mini-series at all rather than a story-arc in Booster Gold? Nothing has significantly advanced the story in 3 issues. I'm not saying that there aren't things to enjoy in this latest issue (namely the future Booster introduction and Booster/Green Lantern banter), but I will certainly say that there is very little here outside of an affection for the art of Dan Jurgens or Booster Gold (or Skeets!) that would justify the $3.99 cover price.

Boosterrific Rating:

  • Currently 2.0/5 Stars.

Average Fan Rating:

  • Currently 3.0/5 Stars.
(4 votes)

  • Currently 4.0/5 Stars.
Harry (Nov. 12, 2010, 15:30:50)
I'm with Erin. I enjoyed the issue and put it's context out of my head. The Hunter family is still fun and I like Booster saving the day (sort of). Basically, this series flushes out Rip Hunter and establish the next big arc.

  • Currently 2.0/5 Stars.
KMD (Oct. 29, 2010, 16:44:05)
Fully in agreement with our gracious host. There are some fun moments but this is getting stale. I will say the Black Beetle caught my attention this issue.

  • Currently 4.0/5 Stars.
Erin (Oct. 28, 2010, 15:59:23)
I really enjoyed this issue. I stopped caring about the tie ins a few issues ago and just liked the story.

  • Currently 2.0/5 Stars.
Superman (Oct. 28, 2010, 09:54:31)
'Nuff said above. On another topic: A show called "Fly Along With Booster"?? Sounds like a kiddie show, with lots of advertisements for Booster costumes, Michelle tea sets, and Skeets plushies. Parents in the DCU should definitely guide their kids when watching this.

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