Secret Origins
“From the Depths”
Volume 2, Issue 35, Holiday 1989
Released October 18, 1988
Cover Price: $1.50

Writer: Dan Jurgens
Penciller: Dan Jurgens
Inker: Tim Dzon
Colorist: Tom Ziuko
Letterer: Augustin Mas
Editor: Mark Waid
Cover Artists: Jerry Ordway, Ty Templeton
Hero: Booster Carter
Supporting: Michelle Carter, Mrs. Carter, Skeets I, Snake Eyes
Settings: Gotham City, DCU, USA, 25th-century; Metropolis, DCU, USA, 25th-century
Cover Description: Martian Manhunter and Booster Gold fly into the sky as Maxwell Lord watches from a nearby rooftop. This cover completes a triptych of the Justice League International begun with Secret Origins, Vol. 2, #33 and #34.
Brief Synopsis: Booster reveals his own history to Blue Beetle II.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Featured (Booster Gold plays a prominent role)
Costume Worn: MARK I power-suit
Issue Notes: This is the second time that Booster has told his own origin story, but this is a more complete description told in the first person. There are also changes to the original telling: Booster claims that he started gambling on his games to help his ailing mother. He does, however, admit that he didn't stop once she was well. In the final issue of Booster Gold, Vol. 1, creator Dan Jurgens admitted that he was unwilling to soften Booster's character to encourage sales, but it would appear that softening Booster's rough edges is exactly what he is doing in this slightly revisionist origin story.
This story has been reprinted in:
Justice League International Omnibus (2024)
Booster Gold: Future Lost (2020)
52: The Companion (2007)
Page 3, panel 4
Booster was a sophomore in Gotham University in the year 2462. Booster says that the movement to bring back football occurred around the year 2400. This is roughly consistent with Broderick's memories in Booster Gold, Vol. 1, #18.
Page 6, panel 2
In a previously unrevealed twist on Booster's origin, Booster claims that he agreed to bet on his own games (through a childhood friend turned bookie named Snake Eyes) in order to earn money to care for his mother's failing health. He denies that he ever threw a game.
Page 8, panel 7
The doctor planning the operation for Booster's mother encourages Booster in his upcoming game against Notre Dame. This is the first mention of a real school in Booster's origin. The University of Notre Dame is a Catholic school located in South Bend, Indiana with a long history as a powerhouse football school.
Page 11, panel 5
After Booster is arrested for "conspiracy to fix college football games," his mother disowns him.
Page 12, panel 1
Booster "copped a plea," admitting guilt in exchange for probation rather than be found guilty of the crime and spend increased time in jail. His football career was already destroyed, however.
Page 12, panel 3
In his job as a night security guard, Booster passes by statues of Batman and Superman. Barley stretching onto the panel is the foot of a third statue that is dressed strikingly similar to that of Marvel Comic super hero Spider-man.
Boosterrific Review: Finally character-creator Dan Jurgens provides the complete and detailed origin of the downfall of Michael Jon Carter. This origin only significantly differs from previous tellings in the inclusion of the "sick mother" as the motivation for the Booster Gold's gambling troubles. This may be an attempt to somewhat soften Booster Gold's rough edges for his inclusion in the Justice League. Rather than bolster Booster's character, it only weakens the story of his origin with the inclusion of such a tired cliche. The story is not aided by Tom Dzon's inks, which make Dan Jurgens' pencils almost unrecognizable.
While the origin story is a pedestrian reassembling of previous tales, the brief frame story is highly amusing and includes a number of sight gags and licensed products in the best tradition of Booster Gold. The book is also worth a look for the enlightening "Secrets Behind the Origins" column about Booster Gold by editor Mark Waid.
Boosterrific Rating: Worth Its Weight In Gold.
Average Fan Rating: (1 vote)
Great recap on Booster for all those who came in late-added with a little bit of Blue and Gold fun.
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