Mister Miracle
“This Town Isn't Big Enough For The Two of Us!”
Volume 2, Issue 10, November 1989
Released September 19, 1989
Cover Price: $1.00
Guide Price: $2.00 (as of 2011)

Writer: Len Wein
Penciller: Joe Philips
Inker: Bruce D. Patterson
Colorist: Nansi Hoolahan
Letterer: John Costanza
Assistant Editor: Kevin Dooley
Editor: Andrew Helfer
Heroes: Blue Beetle II, Booster Gold, Martian Manhunter
Setting: New York, NY, USA, 20th-century
Cover Description: Maxi-Man and Mister Miracle race towards one another, each preparing to deliver a knock out blow. (No Booster Gold.)
Brief Synopsis: Maxi-Man is envious of Mister Miracle's new position as the resident superhero of Bailey, New Hampshire, and he's out to prove that he's the better hero.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Cameo (Booster Gold makes a minor appearance)
Costume Worn: MARK I power-suit

Page 5, panel 3
In the New York JLI Embassy, Booster Gold and Blue Beetle II watch Mister Miracle (called "Mister Miraculous") on the news. Beetle is furious that Miracle gave them so much grief over almost exposing his secret identity in Mister Miracle, Vol. 2, #7, only to turn around and reveal himself so soon afterwards. Booster is considerably more laissez-faire about the situation, preferring to good-naturedly heckle Miracle's television appearance.
Page 6, panel 2
Appearance of Maxi-Man. Maxi-Man first appeared in Mister Miracle, Vol. 2, #9, attempting to rescue people from a fire. This is the first time that he and Booster appear in the same issue. Though they do not meet, it will not be the last time the two show up between the same pages.
Boosterrific Review: An absurdist's tour through the private life of a small-town super hero turns out to be not quite as exciting as one might hope, but not as droll as one could expect.
Boosterrific Rating: Gold Standard.
Average Fan Rating: (2 votes)
Len Wein was just a crummy writer. I was an avid Blue Beetle collector and each issue I would hope and dream that there would be something compelling or a villain with some sort of verve or interest or intrigue, or ANYTHING! Instead we got lame weirdo after wierdo, no ongoing plots nothing to bite your teeth into. He killed BB and he killed MM...
The Mr. Miracle suburb angle was interesting but it did not quite work-as this issue shows.
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