Justice League: Generation Lost
“The Dark of Morning's Light”
Volume 1, Issue 21, Early May 2011
Released March 9, 2011
Cover Price: $2.99
Estimated Issue Sales: 30,323
Writer: Judd Winick
Penciller: Fernando Dagnino
Inker: Raul Fernandez
Colorist: Hi-Fi Designs
Letterer: Steve Wands
Editors: Brian Cunningham, Rex Ogle
Cover Artists: Hi-Fi Designs, Kevin Maguire, Dustin Nguyen
Heroes: Blue Beetle III, Booster Gold, Captain Atom, Fire, Ice, Rocket Red 07
Supporting: Skeets II
Setting: Unknown Location, 21st-century
Cover Description: There are two covers to this issue, both of which features Booster Gold. Booster Gold cradles the supine body of the Blue Beetle on the standard edition by Dustin Nguyen and Booster Gold walks away from the other members of the Justice League International on the 1:10 variant edition by Kevin Maguire.
Brief Synopsis: The Justice League International picks up the pieces after their latest deadly confrontation with Max Lord.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Featured (Booster Gold plays a prominent role)
Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit
Issue Notes: Tie-in to Brightest Day.
This story has been reprinted in:
Justice League: Generation Lost Volume 2 (2011)
Page 1, panel 1
See Justice League: Generation Lost #1 for more details about the death of two New York City policemen.
Page 1, panel 3
See Justice League: Generation Lost #13 for more details about the death of Magog and the destruction of Chicago.
Page 2, panel 1
Booster Gold is in an unknown location mourning the death of the latest Blue Beetle, for which he feels somewhat responsible. Booster's emotional state -- commonly called Survivor's Guilt -- is often recognized in soldiers who have survived combat situations that have killed their fellow soldiers.
Page 4, panel 5
FASHION ALERT: When did Skeets become a winged deodorant can? In this panel Skeets' rear thrusters appear as two glowing circles. Skeets has always hovered courtesy of an unexplained anti-gravity device, so why does he even need thrusters at all?
Page 7, panel 2
In frustration Ice throws a punch at Captain Atom. This is the only action in this issue that could be remotely considered combat, and it is still hero-versus-hero, perhaps the strongest recurring theme of this series.
Page 16, panel 4
Booster reveals that he is aware of his own vanity, and succinctly expresses his struggles in hiding his competency from the world-at-large. Frankly, this bit of character exploration feels more honest any character exploration seen in recent issues of his own series.
Page 18, panel 2
Is there any irony in the fact that Booster Gold, the Corporate Crusader and DC's premier champion of Capitalism, is being given motivation by Rocket Red, a hard-line Marxist Communist?
Boosterrific Review: It's rare for comic books to spend entire issues dealing with the grief and self-pity of its heroes, but these common emotions can give characters necessary depth and make them seem so much more human as they do here. Sadly, issue artists Fernando Dagnino and Raul Fernandez don't seem up to the task of depicting the expressions of humanity that writer Judd Winick demands in his script.
Boosterrific Rating: Worth Its Weight In Gold.
Average Fan Rating: (2 votes)
I liked the issue but the art really undermined its attempt to make an emotional impact here.
I very much enjoyed this comic. Great character moments that helped invest me in the new JLI. Poor art docked it one star. Some of the facial expressions are terrible or inappropriate.
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