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Justice League Quarterly

“When You Wish...”

Volume 1, Issue 3, Summer 1991
Released April 9, 1991

Cover Price: $2.95
Guide Price: $3.50 (as of 2003) Rating
  • Currently 4.0/5 Stars.

Justice League Quarterly, Vol. 1, #3. Image © DC Comics



Writers: Keith Giffen, Gerard Jones
Penciller: Mike McKone
Inker: Bob Smith
Colorist: Gene D'Angelo
Letterer: John Costanza
Assistant Editor: Kevin Dooley
Editor: Andrew Helfer

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Cover Description: In yet another homage to the cover of Justice League #1, clockwise from center, Power Girl, Captain Atom, Flash, Fire, Ice, Blue Beetle, Silver Sorceress, and Guy Gardner are viewed through a magnifying glass. (No Booster Gold.)

Brief Synopsis: The Justice League follows Mitch Wacky through dimensions and time in order to prevent his destruction of the present.

Booster Gold's role in this story:
Cameo (Booster Gold makes a minor appearance)

Costume Worn: MARK I power-suit

This story has been reprinted in:
Justice League International Omnibus (2024)
Justice League: Corporate Maneuvers (2020)

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Image Copyright DC Comics

Page 5, panel 1
Booster Gold appears at a conference between the multiple branches of the Justice League International. Though Booster is still the leader of the Conglomerate, he is also a reserve member of the Justice League. Other people in attendance include Batman, Blue Beetle II, Bluejay, Captain Atom, Catherine Colbert, Crimson Fox, Elongated Man, Fire, Flash III, General Glory, Guy Gardner, Ice, Kilowog, L-Ron, Martian Manhunter, Maxwell Lord, Metamorpho, Mister Miracle, Mitch Wacky, Oberon, Power Girl, Rocket Red #4, Silver Sorceress, and Sue Dibny. This is Booster's first on-panel appearance with Justice League Europe members Bluejay, Crimson Fox, and the Silver Sorceress. It is also Booster's first encounter with new Justice League America member General Glory and inventor Mitch Wacky. (Despite both being in attendance at this meeting, General Glory will introduce himself to Booster in Justice League America Annual #5 published six months later.)

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Boosterrific Review: The Justice League tries to change the history of a "Marvel"-ous alternate universe in this 80-page giant crossover between the Justice Leagues America and Europe. The story would be right at home in regular issues of Justice League Europe, but benefits from the larger format as it allows for some intricate storytelling that would get lost in the months-long gaps between regular issues in a series. The story also benefits from some clever peeks to Justice League history that are bound to please long-time readers while still maintaining the tongue-in-cheek humor of the International era. All in all, this is a surprisingly enjoyable adventure despite the weighty specter of nuclear Armageddon that provides the central conflict for the issue.

Boosterrific Rating:

  • Currently 4.0/5 Stars.
Worth Its Weight In Gold.

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