Justice League International Annual
Volume 3, Issue 1, October 2012
Released August 29, 2012
Cover Price: $4.99
Estimated Issue Sales: 26,779

Writers: Dan DiDio, Geoff Johns
Penciller: Jason Fabok
Inker: Jason Fabok
Colorist: Jeromy Cox
Letterer: Travis Lanham
Assistant Editor: Brian Smith
Editor: Mike Marts
Cover Artist: Jason Fabok
Cover Description: The Justice League International fights OMAC.
Brief Synopsis: The Justice League International disbands.
Issue Summary: Reveal Potential Spoilers
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Featured (Booster Gold plays a prominent role)
Costume Worn: ARGUS power-suit
This story has been reprinted in:
Justice League International Volume 2: Breakdown (2013)
Page 34, panel 1
A PAIR OF DOCS?: A future version of Booster Gold arrives, encouraging his younger self to contact Steve Trevor and the JLA before that Rip Hunter is going to try to wipe them from history!
Page 34, panel 2
The newly arrived, older Booster wears armor marked with the logo of the Advanced Research Group Uniting Superhumans, also known as ARGUS. Is ARGUS armor designed to intentionally mimic the bulky power-suits worn by Booster Gold during his stint with Extreme Justice?
Page 34, panel 4
Boosterrific Review: Wow. This issue barely seems to have anything to do with the Justice League International series that it claims to represent. Clearly Geoff Johns and Dan DiDio couldn't be bothered to read the series that their company was publishing. There's little continuity in character behavior between the end of the series and this issue. The stiff and dark art doesn't help the cause. In the end, this book is nothing more than a five dollar tease for the next DC "event" crossover. It is the worst DCnU book associated with the Justice League International brand, and that's saying something.
Boosterrific Rating: Tarnished.
Average Fan Rating: (5 votes)
Okay, the annual wasn't TOO bad. IT definitely had it's Booster moments, but felt too much like a way to radically end JLI's existence to horn in the Justice League changes coming down the pike. I do agree with Ryan Sias that it looks at least hopeful that Booster will return to his time-cop ways next year in the pages of Justice League. That plus Booster's SKEETS protocol to take down OMAC were small parts that at least made me smile. We know that Geoff Johns has a soft spot for our own Michael Carter, so I'm sure that Booster's "fade-out" is temporary. (I hope.) But the art was TERRIBLE. Every male in the book, even skinny/lanky teenager Jaime Reyes was made to look as if he bench presses 400 pounds a day and eats 5000 protein calories a day? WHAT'S UP WITH THAT? Superhero doesn't mean HULK body for everyone!
1 Star for the fact Didio was on this...3 for Geoff...5 for Rip and older Booster. The book was hit-and-miss for me in general and really answered nothing for me. I want my Booster back damnit
Wow. Boosterrific and Eye strongly disagree. The mere mention of Rip Hunter was worth the price of admission. I expect Booster's story will continue in the new "Justice League of America" series next year. Lookin forward to it. Skeets rules!!!
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