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Justice League America

“Of Ashes and Justice”

Volume 1, Issue 65, August 1992
Released June 23, 1992

Cover Price: $1.25
Guide Price: $2.00 (as of 2011) Rating
  • Currently 4.0/5 Stars.

Justice League America, Vol. 1, #65. Image © DC Comics



Writer: Dan Jurgens
Penciller: Dan Jurgens
Inker: Rick Burchett
Colorist: Gene D'Angelo
Letterer: Willie Schubert
Editor: Brian Augustyn
Cover Artists: Rick Burchett, Dan Jurgens

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Cover Description: From top to bottom, Fire, Superman, Bloodwynd, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, and Ice return fire at an enemy off-panel to the right.

Brief Synopsis: The League continues its struggle to stop Starbreaker from destroying Almerac.

Booster Gold's role in this story:
Featured (Booster Gold plays a prominent role)

Costume Worn: MARK I power-suit

This story has been reprinted in:
Superman and the Justice League of America (2016)

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Page 3, panel 3
Despite being powerless and trapped helplessly in an energy cage with fellow Leaguers Bloodwynd, Blue Beetle II, Fire, and Ice, Booster Gold still finds the nerve to challenge and taunt Starbreaker in typical, indefatigable fashion.

Page 9, panel 2
POWER UP: Freed from Starbreaker's energy cell, Booster is capable of flight, but little else, because his antigravity Legion Flight Ring is powered by inherent properties of Nth metal, and does not require energy to operate.

Page 10, panel 2
Beetle distracts Booster from the fight by discussing Bloodwynd's power of illusion. Starbreaker takes the opportunity to seize and pummel Booster. Apparently Beetle's obsession with the riddle of Bloodwynd is more important than surviving the encounter with Starbreaker.

Image Copyright DC Comics

Page 13, panel 4
POWER UP: Beetle re-wires Booster's force-field to drain Starbreaker's energy and presumably recharge Booster's batteries. This is exactly the sort of maneuver that Skeets would have suggested when Dan Jurgens was writing the Booster Gold series.

Page 18, panel 1
Never one to ruin a good run, Booster calls Starbreaker, "Starbonkers." Superman politely does not groan.

Page 21, panel 1
When Maxima is exiled from her planet for abandoning her throne following the "Panic in the Sky" incident earlier in the year, Booster attempts to console her as a kindred spirit. Like most of Booster's actions, it could be debated whether Booster is truly sympathetic to her situation, guilty about his own misjudgment of her, or simply trying to get into her pants. He's a complicated character.

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Boosterrific Review: This issue concludes the League's recent confrontation with Starbreaker. Nothing groundbreaking happens in this issue, just some good, old-fashioned story-telling with plenty of solid character development.

Boosterrific Rating:

  • Currently 4.0/5 Stars.
Worth Its Weight In Gold.

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