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Action Comics

“Booster Shot, Part II”

Volume 1, Issue 994, February 2018
Released December 27, 2017

Cover Price: $2.99
Estimated Issue Sales: 42,838 Rating
  • Currently 3.0/5 Stars.



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Cover Description: This book has two covers, one drawn by Dan Jurgens and the other by Francis Manapul. Each features Superman and Booster Gold.

Brief Synopsis: Booster Gold tries to rescue Superman from a timeline that shouldn't exist.

Booster Gold's role in this story:
Featured (Booster Gold plays a prominent role)

Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit

Issue Notes: This issue was released the fourth week of DC's new "DC Universe" trade dress and has no cover date.

This story has been reprinted in:
Superman: Action Comics: The Rebirth Deluxe Edition (2019)
Superman: Action Comics Volume 5: Booster Shot (2018)

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Page 1, panel 1
This story picks up immediately where the previous issue leaves off. Booster Gold and Skeets are trying to rescue a powerless Superman from Kryptonian security robots on Krypton in a timeline that shouldn't exist.

Page 4, panel 2
FASHION ALERT: Booster has always cherished the rare opportunities to save Superman. Here he derisively refers to Superman as "The Cape." He should be more careful. Booster wore a cape himself when he was just breaking into the business.

Image Copyright DC Comics

Page 5, panel 3
POWER UP: Superman proves why he's the best. He's even better at using Booster's equipment (with an assist by Skeets) than Booster is. And he's so polite, too.

Page 5, panel 4
Booster always gets the last word. The Colun who designed Booster's force field was Superman's longtime enemy Brainiac.

Page 7, panel 3
LIQUIFIED TIME: Skeets explains that their presence on a Krypton that shouldn't exist proves that something has done the impossible and softened "concrete time," or as Rip Hunter called it in Booster Gold #5, "solidified time." Skeets explanation of self-contained alternate timelines implies that the post-Zero Hour concept of Hypertime is returning to the DC Rebirth Universe.

Page 10, panel 1
Despite his many adventures through the DC Universe, this is the first time Booster has crossed paths with General Zod or the original Eradicator robots.

Page 15, panel 1
Booster turns down the opportunity to add another first to his list when he flees before Superman's father, Jor-El, arrives.

Page 20, panel 6

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Boosterrific Review: As much fun as it is to see Booster Gold and Superman stand together against Zod, this issue is a bit too light on actual story to fully satisfy. Four of twenty pages -- a full twenty percent of the issue -- is devoted to recapping what happened just one issue earlier, only 2 weeks ago in real time. Those are pages that could probably have been used to better sell Superman's horror at losing his home planet for a second time.

Boosterrific Rating:

  • Currently 3.0/5 Stars.
Gold Standard.

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