Green Lantern
“Machinations, Misconceptions and Revelations!”
Volume 3, Issue 116, September 1999
Released July 14, 1999
Cover Price: $1.99
Guide Price: $2.25 (as of 2003)
Estimated Issue Sales: 46,045
Writer: Dan Jurgens
Penciller: Tom Lyle
Inker: Andrew Pepoy
Colorist: Rob Schwager
Letterer: Willie Schubert
Assistant Editor: Harvey Richards
Editor: Kevin Dooley
Cover Artists: Terry Austin, Dan Jurgens
Heroes: Booster Gold, Green Lantern V, Plastic Man
Villain: Supplier
Supporting: Skeets I
Setting: New York, NY, USA, 20th-century
Cover Description: Green Lantern Kyle Rayner and Booster Gold recover the damaged and over-stretched remains of Plastic Man.
Brief Synopsis: Booster Gold, Green Lantern Kyle Rayner, and Plastic Man join forces to prevent a powerful item from following into the wrong hands.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Featured (Booster Gold plays a prominent role)
Costume Worn: MARK XI armored power-suit
Issue Notes: The guest writer for this issue is Dan Jurgens, so it should be no surprise that the guest hero is Jurgens' own creation, Booster Gold.
Page 2, panel 1
Green Lantern Kyle Rayner chastises Booster Gold for shipping a parcel without knowing its contents. In fact, no major American shipping service demands to know the specific contents of any domestically shipped package. Though certain items are illegal to ship and all shipping services reserve the right to inspect any package, including via automated electronic inspection systems, the customer's right to privacy is generally respected.
Page 4, panel 2
POWER UP: Booster tells Rayner that his force field technology is 25th-century technology, "though Blue Beetle and a couple of others have had to repair it with current tech." Booster's Mark XI costume, which contains the software of companion Skeets, is most recently supplemented by S.T.A.R. Labs Technology obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request via the United States Department of Extranormal Operations (DEO), as revealed in DCU Heroes Secret Files #1. The Freedom of Information Act is a federal law enforcing the public's right to receive government documents.
Page 6, panel 3
Blue and Gold Express, Booster Gold and Blue Beetle's latest business venture, was founded with the misappropriation of the Justice League transporter system and related database. This is the second time that Booster and Beetle have stolen Justice League material for a business venture, and the second time that it has lead to trouble for Booster.
Page 11, panel 5
Contemplating a partnership with Green Lantern, Booster Gold comments that "Green and Gold sounds like school colors." In fact, by the year 2007, only three of the nationally recognized NCAA Division I-A Football schools use the colors green and gold as their official colors (Baylor, Colorado State, and South Florida) while nine schools use some variation of blue and gold (Akron, California, Kent State, Navy, Notre Dame, Pittsburgh, Toledo, UCLA, and West Virginia). That's a three-to-one ratio in the national college ranks.
Page 12, panel 1
Booster and Rayner burst into the headquarters of the Supplier, who is torturing Plastic Man. Booster's yell, "Luuuuucy! I'm Hoooome!" is a line borrowed from the beloved 1950s I Love Lucy television show. The line, as commonly spoken by Lucy's husband, Ricky Ricardo, has become a popular catchphrase in the decades since the show first aired, usually spoken when notifying someone of your arrival.
Page 17, panel 3
Booster and friends destroy the facade of Dooley's New York Bar and Grill. The name of this establishment and the visage of the businessman out front are references to Kevin Dooley, editor of this issue.
Boosterrific Review: This issue has everything: action, laughter, danger, and, unfortunately, an unsatisfying ending. Writer Dan Jurgens provides an exciting and enjoyable story for most of the book, only to have the heroes stymied and inexplicably thwarted in the last pages. Certainly, this lackluster ending damages what is otherwise an extremely enjoyable reading experience.
Boosterrific Rating: Worth Its Weight In Gold.
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