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Showing posts 1 - 4 of 4 matching: specter of the lich

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Amazon Prime Day Special

We interrupt this Booster Gold blog to inform you that all four of my high fantasy novels will be available for free on Kindle this Amazon Prime Day (July 16 & 17).

The Central Kingdoms Chronicles: Book 1, The Wizards of Ranaloy

The Central Kingdoms Chronicles: Book 2, Prince Thorgils' War

The Central Kingdoms Chronicles: Book 3, A Quest Before Dying

The Central Kingdoms Chronicles: Book 4, The Central Kingdoms Chronicles: Book 4, Specter of the Lich

Even if you don't like fantasy books, you have to admit that you can't beat that price!

You can click any of the covers above for links to their listings on, or you can visit either or for more information, including the first chapter of each volume.

Thank you for your support.

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Friday, November 24, 2017

Black Friday Is the Holiday for Necromancers

The Central Kingdoms Chronicles: Book 1, The Wizards of Ranaloy

The Central Kingdoms Chronicles: Book 2, Prince Thorgils' War

The Central Kingdoms Chronicles: Book 3, A Quest Before Dying

The Central Kingdoms Chronicles: Book 4, The Central Kingdoms Chronicles: Book 4, Specter of the Lich

Planning on doing some online shopping this Black Friday? Why not take a look at my fantasy novels?

You can purchase both paperback and Kindle eBooks at Until Sunday, you can get the Kindle edition of The Wizards of Ranaloy for free.

Thank you for your support.

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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Weekend Reminder: I Write Books

The Central Kingdoms Chronicles: Book 1, The Wizards of Ranaloy

The Central Kingdoms Chronicles: Book 2, Prince Thorgils' War

The Central Kingdoms Chronicles: Book 3, A Quest Before Dying

The Central Kingdoms Chronicles: Book 4, The Central Kingdoms Chronicles: Book 4, Specter of the Lich

If you enjoy role-playing or fantasy novels (or supporting Booster Gold website webmasters), please consider visiting, where you'll find a free preview of the first chapter of each of my books. You'll also find links to purchase both paperback and Kindle eBooks at

(Just so you're aware, the price of my books will be going up on November 1. So if you've ever considered buying one but haven't yet done so, you might want to pull the trigger before the end of October.)

Thank you for your support.

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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Specter of the Lich

It's been a long time since I've mentioned it, but you do know that in addition to maintaining the web's most complete Booster Gold database, I also write fantasy novels, yes?

Well, this rare Tuesday post is to notify you that my fourth novel is now available!

The Central Kingdoms Chronicles: Book 4, Specter of the Lich

Specter of the Lich continues the adventures of characters in last year's trilogy (The Wizards of Ranaloy, Prince Thorgils' War, and A Quest Before Dying).

The Central Kingdoms Chronicles: Book 1, The Wizards of Ranaloy

The Central Kingdoms Chronicles: Book 2, Prince Thorgils' War

The Central Kingdoms Chronicles: Book 3, A Quest Before Dying

Once again, the wizard Artimus is pressed into service with his companions Corrin, Jon, Ico, and Whisper to defend their land against a necromantic threat. Things don't go smoothly. If they did, it wouldn't be much of an adventure story, would it?

If you enjoy role-playing or fantasy novels (or supporting Booster Gold website webmasters), please consider visiting, where you'll find a free preview of the first chapter of each of the books. You'll also find links to purchase Kindle eBooks from and paperbacks from

Thanks for your support.

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