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It has been 135 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

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Friday, May 21, 2021

Growing Up in a New-Fashioned World

Childhood is a time of learning about the world around you and preparing you for the future. But what if your childhood won't happen for another few centuries and your future is in the past? That's the case for time-traveling hero Booster Gold, whose 25th-century upbringing may not have prepared him for 21st-century life.

Nostalgic for the Future: How

SPORTS: The most popular sport in the mid 2400s will be familiar to 21st-century inhabitants. Aside from some minor technological innovations like sensors on the goal line to detect touchdowns, the sport will look and play in ways pretty much exactly as it had 400 years earlier. Someone watching a game in 1982 would have little trouble following the action in 2442.

Even the economics of the sport will be little changed. Just as in the 21st century, 25th-century college athletes will be considered "amateurs" who earn their institutions and commercial partners — and bookmakers — considerable revenue while making no income themselves.

© DC Comics
Booster Gold #18

Though at the time, star quarterback Michael "Booster" Carter wouldn't have cared about such things, mastering the game of football would be a great indoctrination in 21st-century culture.

DIET: Soy dogs might have seemed far-fetched to citizens of 1987, but meat substitutes are all the rage in the 2020s as they will be in the Gotham City of the 25th century. We can only imagine what will make the population of the future turn their back on meat. Is it a commercial necessity following the Great Disaster? Is it an ethical consideration for animal welfare? Or do soy dogs just plain taste better than 20th-century hot dogs?

Whatever the case, by the 25th century, science will have advanced enough that people can have a different relationship with food than 21st-century diners. In Booster Gold's native time, gourmands will be able to eat whatever they like without fear of unhealthy weight gain.

© DC Comics
Justice League Quarterly #6

That system sure beats rice cakes.

ROBOTS: In the 21st century, artificial intelligence really isn't very intelligent. Speech recognition software can decipher what television channel you want to watch and scanning algorithms can unlock your phone, but Siri isn't thinking or feeling in the traditional sense. That will have changed drastically by the year 2462.

Booster Gold will be raised in a world in which self-sufficient robots can be counted on to reliably perform many complicated jobs, including valet and security guard. There's plenty of evidence between the panels of Booster's adventures to suggest the only thing keeping robots from becoming further integrated into society is resistance from biological lifeforms.

© DC Comics
Booster Gold #16

Thinking robots may not exist in the 21st century, but bigotry is eternal.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Skeets Keeps Electric Company recently posted a list of robots in the DC (and Marvel) Universe. The list seems to confuse some cyborgs (i.e. Metallo) for robots, but does contain many very minor characters, some of whom have ever appeared in only 1 panel! Skeets made the list with no differentiation between the first (destroyed by Maxwell Lord) and second (Infinite Crisis) models which considers to be two separate beings. Notably missing is Skeets' mechanical nemesis Maximillion, proving that the list, though large, is not quite complete. Still, it's pretty interesting to see the artificial company that Skeets keeps in the DCU.

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