It has been 138 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 1 of 1 matching: raju mudhar
Friday, July 6, 2018
Booster Gold Still Not Canadian Since 2011
Late last week in honor of Canada Day, The Toronto Star ran an article by Raju Mudhar celebrating Canadian super heroes. Naturally, he highlighted Wolverine, Alpha Flight, and Adam Strange (who is officially Canadian since 2014's Justice League United #0). Unfortunately, he also included Booster Gold.
This still comes up from time to time, so let me repeat that there is no canonical evidence that Booster Gold is anything other than American.
Yes, Dan DiDio told the audience at Fan Expo Canada 2011 that Booster Gold was going to have Canadian citizenship in the New 52 DC Universe. But no comic book ever came along confirming (or even insinuating) that.
Since his earliest appearances, Booster has been an American (thanks to direct intervention by United States President Ronald Reagan), and his citizenship has never been explicitly changed in Justice League International Volume 3 or in any other comic. To this day, Booster Gold remains Canadian only at Fan Expo Canada 2011 and nowhere else.
I know you'd love to claim Booster Gold as a native son, Toronto Star, but until DC actually retcons Booster's citizenship in print, he'll remain an All-American Boy.
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