It has been 128 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 2 of 2 matching: kord industries
Friday, November 18, 2016
Must The Show Go On?
Things have been changing in America lately, and not necessarily for the better. Not so many years ago, many DC Comics super hero bloggers and I participated in semi-regular crossover events. Now very few of us are still posting.
Both and have stopped blogging to focus their efforts on podcasting ( The Martian Manhunter blog, The Idol-Head of Diabolu, has likewise gone silent as its creator also seems to be concentrating on podcasts for his other blogs (DC Bloodlines and Wonder Woman: Diana Prince). So too, Splitting Atoms is now more podcast than blog. Others that have fallen completely silent (like Tower of Fate and Being Carter Hall). Some stalwarts soldier on, including and Kord Industres. We seem to be the exception rather than the rule.
Once again, this has made me return to a question I've asked myself from time to time since Booster Gold disappeared from the pages of DC Comics: Has the time for websites dedicated to super hero blogging passed us by? Would comics fans rather listen to a podcast than read a website? Is the problem the characters or the bloggers or just shifting demographics?
Like so many of those now-defunct sites, is first and foremost a hobby. I started working on it nine years ago, and I keep it running because I want to. Personally, I have no interest in phone apps, wikis, or podcasting. If that's the future of Booster Gold fandom, I'll leave it to someone else. (The Silver and Gold podcast — now a whole network — seems to be doing just fine without me.)
Don't worry, this post isn't a lead up to the retirement of I'm only committing my rambling grumpy old man thoughts to electronic paper. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. It's just that I'm starting to feel kind of lonely out here all by myself. I sure would like some new Booster Gold comics to keep me company.
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Monday, June 20, 2016
Heroes Con Is a Convention for Heroes
This weekend, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, and Captain Marvel Shazam got together in Charlotte, North Carolina. Warlord Worlds has the proof from Heroes Convention 2016 on
Those three heroes sure look like they're having a good time, don't they? I guess that's to be expected when you're attending a convention in your honor.
Thanks for the snapshot, Warlord Worlds.
Update 2016-06-23: On, Kord Industries (@KordIndustries1) tells us that the Beetle cosplayer in the picture is Rusty Winns (@RustyWinns). Thanks!
Update 2016-06-30: I should have mentioned before now that the Booster Gold cosplayer in the picture is Jay Tallsquall. Sorry for that oversight, Jay.
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