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It has been 129 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

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Showing posts 1 - 3 of 3 matching: kevin allen

Monday, April 4, 2022

His Own Cottage Industry

If you're a regular reader of this blog, that means you're a Booster Gold fan and probably already aware of Russ Burlingame's online "Gold Exchange" columns recently collected into a book (now available on

Well, considering that Booster Gold made his Arrowverse television debut last month, Burlingame has decided that the time is ripe for another book, this one specifically for CW fans who don't yet know much about The Greatest Hero They'd Never Previously Heard Of.

From Burlingame's announcement at

By coincidence, just days after The Gold Exchange paperback became a reality, The CW revealed that Donald Faison was set to play a new time-traveling hero on DC's Legends of Tomorrow, and the description...well, it sounded a lot like Booster.

I quickly realized that fans of the show would want to know more about the character — after all, this was the first major DC character added to the series in years, and in that time, the show had taken on a wildly different personality of its own.

So tonight, as the world gets to see Booster Gold come to live-action for only the second time on TV, I'm announcing A Legend in His Own Time: The Fast-Forward Guide to the Greatest Hero You've Never Heard Of. Available as a paperback and ebook in July, A Legend In His Own Time is a condensed and annotated version of The Gold Exchange, trimming much of what the TV audience would consider the fat and providing some additional context for Booster and his history.

I've recruited Booster Gold superfan Kevin Allen to help wrangle the 600 or so pages of total Booster content I have down to something that can be quickly and inexpensively distributed, so fans can breeze through it before Legends hopefully returns in the fall.

Burlingame is already taking pre-orders for the book on Can any Booster Gold library really be complete without it?

P.S. — While we're on the subject of Burlingame's personal cottage industry of writing Booster Gold companions, we should also touch on the Gold Exchange special edition hardcover he announced last September. That book still hasn't shipped, but only for the very good reason that Russ has been waiting for Blue and Gold to end its 8-issue run so he can include interviews about it — and the reveal of the Black Beetle's identity — as well. I think we can all agree that's worth waiting for.

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Tiny Time Masters

Kevin Allen, known on the boards as "Mr. Chaos," has provided us with with a follow-up to his A Tiny Meeting cartoon (originally posted on February 1st) featuring his Tiny Time Masters:

Tiny Time Masters by K. Allen

Thanks again, Chaos!

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Tiny Meeting

As his way of apologizing for spoiling last Tuesday's "Gold Exchange" blog announcement with his own forum post, Mr. Chaos has provided the following cartoon for the Boosterrific Blog.

A Tiny Meeting by K. Allen

Heh. Thanks, Chaos. I'm sure that it is only a matter of time before we find this same encounter in the pages of Booster Gold.

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