It has been 135 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

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Friday, April 19, 2024
Skeets: The Real MVP
For today's post, I asked Microsoft Copilot with GPT-4 for an essay about Skeets. The following is what it wrote.
In the grand theater of superheroes, where capes flutter and muscles bulge, there's a duo that flips the script - Booster Gold and his robotic sidekick, Skeets. But let's be honest, who's the real hero here?
Booster Gold may have the biceps, but Skeets has the brains. He's like a walking, talking encyclopedia from the future. While Booster is busy flexing his muscles, Skeets is flexing his circuits, predicting future events with the accuracy of a weather forecast. And we all know how often those are right!
Booster Gold may be the one with the shiny suit, but when things go south, who's the one saving the day? That's right, our metallic friend Skeets. When Booster gets knocked out, Skeets is there to pick up the slack. He's like the reliable friend who always remembers to bring the snacks to a movie night.
While Booster Gold is busy signing autographs and basking in the limelight, Skeets is the one doing the real work. He's the one navigating through time, providing strategic advice, and occasionally taking over Booster's motor functions. Talk about multitasking!
So, who's the real superhero here? The guy with the flashy suit and charming smile, or the small, hovering robot with the knowledge of the future and the patience of a saint? I think we all know the answer. So here's to Skeets, the unsung hero of the duo, proving that sometimes, the sidekick is the real MVP.
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Friday, April 27, 2012
Booster Gold International: Switzerland
Today's entry of "Booster Gold International" is brought to you by Switzerland's own Eyz, better known as the artist behind and G33k Life:
Switzerland isn't quite well known for its superheroes. Besides "real" figures like William Tell and a couple of other national legends. Would a Swiss Booster Gold be that different from its American counterpart?
First to put things into perspective, a bit of cultural background. The "Helvetic Confederation" is divided into three distinct regional parts. There's a bigger German-speaking region which is closer to Germany in terms of mentality and culture, a French-speaking region with a rich mix of people and ethnicities and finally a smaller Italian-speaking region full of old Swiss traditions. Well, I'm from the Romandy personally, aka the French Swiss part so I'll talk from that point of view.
Switzerland doesn't have a lot of superheroes around, but we have our share of classic comic book figures thanks to a comic culture shared with France and Belgium. But could we have a superhero like Booster around nevertheless?
Actually, I'd say yes! To be precise, Booster Gold could be one of those rare American superheroes that would just as easily be "translated" over here.
In terms of attitude, people and government, Switzerland is in fact closer to the United States than most of its European neighbors. To stereotype, yes we're totally corporate capitalist and strongly competitive here as well. I'm using these clichés to point out a Swiss Booster Gold from his early Dan Jurgens run would be totally relatable to people! The same could be said for the modern secret protector of history Time Master-Booster. Who wouldn't dream to be this unknown force of good, even without getting any appraise to help out others? (I'm appealing to what people here aspire, I mean Red Cross, United Nations? we got those in Geneva for a reason!)
Regarding Booster Gold's shiny looks, logo, design, etc.? He wouldn't need to wear traditional Red and White colors on his costume, or have changes to look like a stereotypical Helvetian from an old parody. I mean, he isn't actually wearing an USA flag to begin with, right?
To summarize: Booster Gold could work as an actual Swiss superhero! (why don't we have any of those already?) Could we at least start by having actual reprints of his series translated here? Booster would be a hit so easily with old and young readers alike!
Thank you for that perspective, Eyz. If I haven't covered your country yet, drop me an email at webmaster at so you can tell us how Booster Gold relates to your culture.
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Friday, April 20, 2012
Booster Gold International: Germany
Germany is the economic engine of the European continent, so would Booster Gold feel right at home there? Since we started the week with news from Germany's Morgenstern (one of Booster's biggest fans), it seems right that we should let him close the week with today's entry in the "Booster Gold International" files:
To me, he is the most American kind of hero, even more so than Superman or Captain America. Instead of simply being an example of how 'a true American Hero' should be, Booster Gold is an example how an American Hero would be (in good and bad). His obvious flaws are not there to make him more likrable (like when Superman wonders if he is doing enough or maybe even too much to help mankind), but to make him more believable.
But that just explains how Booster relates to the American culture (from our perspective), but not to us. This can be boiled down to a single feature of our favourite Time Master: The mistakes he makes and how he deals with them.
There is a long list of screw-ups, disasters or even outright crimes that can be attributed to Booster, but eventually he owns up to them. He accepts his responsibility and even is willing to go to jail for them. Yet his story is not one of simple redemption, of a character who did wrong in the past and suddenly turns his life around and banishes all his vices of the past. Instead Booster is still a man with weaknesses, but one who tries his best to learn from his past and not to repeat them, yet still manages to come up with new ones.
Other character at DC (*cough* Hal Jordan) need a huge retcon every few years to wipe the slate clean of all their mistakes to salvage them, while with Booster Gold they are used to form and grow someone who went through what was most likely the biggest & most cohesive character development of the past 10 years.
Thank you for those great points about Booster's appeal, Morgenstern. We will soon look at Booster Gold from the Swiss point-of-view. If you are from another country and wish to share what Booster Gold would mean to your culture, drop me an email at webmaster at
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Friday, April 13, 2012
Booster Gold International: Israel
Frequent commenter and native-Israeli deusex2 drops by to explain the small changes that Booster Gold would need to make to comfortably join Israel society in today's entry in the "Booster Gold International" files:
OK, first of all it's important to remember that Israel is a multicultural country, there are people, litteraly from all over the world and they all bring their culture with them. Therefore, an Israeli Booster Gold would be no different from the original American Booster. The character, his goals and his past would all be the same for the most part but of course, there would be some differences.
First and foremost, the star on Booster's costume would have to go and instead Israeli Booster would, probably, end up wearing David's Star instead. I say probably, because the original looks too darn well to be changed and Booster isn't really that great at maintaining his suit during his first years of hero career, so this is more like a speculation on my part.
Now here's the hard truth part and this is a must for an Israeli Booster-his sport career. You see, people in Israel aren't all that familiar with American Football, they on the other hand, are soccer junkies, most of Israelis are, really. So Israeli Booster wouldn't fail as American Football player, but rather he would fail as a soccer player. A small, but significant difference.
Next important difference is that, well, stereotypes exist for a reason. And as such, Israeli Booster Gold would be far more successful businessman than the original Booster Gold...He'll still lose it all in the end, but for some time Israeli Booster and Ted Kord will become filthy rich.
And last but not least-commercials! We, Boostermaniacs, all know that commercials are very important part of Booster Gold. Quite frankly, we can't picture Booster Gold NOT doing any commercials and what's more-we actually love those commercials because they bring out the character in Booster Gold. So, anyway, most of commercials actually fit quite well, from soder cola to children toys. However there's one thing that just doesn't makes any sense for Israeli Booster Gold-cornflakes commercial!
Yes, we have those things in Israel, but nobody eats them! It's pretty much a lost cause for Booster. Which is why, Israeli Booster Gold wouldn't bother with it, period. He would partake in hummus commercial, though. Heck! He'd have his own hummus product! Hummus Gold-it's Boosterrific!
I think I could still recognize Booster after those changes, deusex2. (I even think he might look better in a Star of David than in a Jim Lee-designed costume.)
The next post in this series will be from Germany. If you wish to share what Booster Gold would mean to your culture, drop me an email at webmaster at
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Friday, April 6, 2012
Booster Gold International: Canada
Booster Gold a Canadian? How can that be? Canadian-native Boosterphile CDN tells us in today's entry in the "Booster Gold International" files:
The DCnU character of Booster does seem to resemble Canada as a whole. He wants to be big, he wants to be flashy, he wants to be one of the big guys. Canada's always been like this. We've always wanted to be big and noticed, we've always tried to play with the big boys, but we've always been over shadowed by the bigger guys, like America, Russia, China, England (say, Hal, Bruce, Clark, Diana as a comic comparison from Booster's perspective). Despite our wanting to be taken seriously, we're often shut out and just pushed to the side, much like Booster with dealing with the big leagues. But despite this, when we do make ourselves noticed, people take notice. With Canada, when we've been called on to help, we have, and we've been praised. WW1 was when we became known as our own country (despite having independence for nearly 50 years) and in WW2, we were often called on when the Germans needed kicked out of an area the Brits or French couldn't take. And yet we still are considered children on the world stage. This is just like Booster, no matter what he does, is still not seen as a true hero.
Now, on a cultural sense, yes America and Canada are the same, but we're also shier and don't like being the centre of attention. We are reserved, calm and polite. On a cultural sense, Booster is seen as the stereotypical American. (From what comes next, I mean no offence lol) Canadians see American's as people who have the best intentions at heart...but don't go about their means properly. They're loud, obnoxious, rash, hasty and at times, annoying. Americans love being the centre of attention, they love having the focus on them and they'll gladly take on people they don't need to just to prove they can kick their asses. But, to Canadians, they aren't all bad. They're our best friends and we know we can depend on them. We know if we're ever in need, they'll be there. If we ever take a bullet to the head, America will be the first to jump in on our defence.
That all said, from a Canadians perspective, Booster Gold can be seen as a blond Guy Gardner. The perfect American. He's everything we seen an American as. That's how we view you's and that's what Booster portrays.
However, if Booster Gold found himself in Canada, I doubt he'd feel an sort of culture shock. We are America Lite, basically. I believe the only thing he would truly notice was instead of the cultures mixing like they do in America, our immigrants keep their culture strong and we are seen as a mosaic. We let the cultures do what they want. Hell, we even love football up here. We have the CFL, which, let's be honest, takes more skill then the NFL (cheeky comment/joke). The only thing Michael may need to brush up on if he ever comes up here is how to play hockey.
Thanks for that Canadian point of view CDN. In future posts, we'll look at Booster Gold from German and Swiss viewpoints. If you are from another country and wish to share what Booster Gold would mean to your culture, drop me an email at webmaster at
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