It has been 135 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 4 of 4 matching: blog crossover
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
DC Animated Anthem Day
A bunch of my fellow DC fan bloggers have decided to celebrate their various obsessions' television shows today. It's true that our Corporate Crusader has never had his own show, but in the true spirit of Booster Gold, I plan to crash this party! Introducing "Booster Gold: The Animated Series":
Obviously, this show intro has been remixed by YouTube poster VladGLX primarily from the Justice League Unlimited episode "The Greatest Story Never Told." But isn't it great to imagine what could be?
To see some licensed animated show intros, visit these other fine bloggers.
Aquaman at The Aquaman Shrine
Atom at Power of the Atom
Doctor Fate at Tower of Fate
Firestorm at Firestorm Fan
Flash at Speed Force
Green Lantern at The Indigo Tribe
Hawkman at Being Carter Hall
Martian Manhunter at The Idol-Head of Diabolu
Supergirl at Supergirl Comic Box Commentary
Superman at Fortress of Baileytude
Swamp Thing at The BLOG from the BOG
Vixen at Justice League Detroit
Wonder Woman at Diana Prince
Miscellaneous others at DC Bloodlines
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Mayfairstivus Day 8 Brings New Releases
Mayfairstivus concludes as Booster Gold #39 and Justice League: Generation Lost #15 are scheduled to hit stands today. You could buy them both and make Skeets happy, but don't worry if your busy schedule prevents you from reaching your favorite Local Comic Shop today. Mayfair Games already has you covered:
Thanks to all these fine DC blogs who celebrated Mayfairstivus season along with Boosterrific:
The Anti-Didio League of America
The Aquaman Shrine
Comics Make Me Happy!
The Continuity Blog
DC Bloodlines
Diana Prince as The New Wonder Woman
Doom Patrol: My Greatest Adventure #80
Firestorm Fan
Flash: Speed Force
Girls Gone Geek
Green Lantern Corps: The Indigo Tribe
Hawkman: Being Carter Hall
Justice League Detroit
Martian Manhunter vs. The Idol-Head of Diabolu
Once Upon A Geek
Power of the Atom
Subject: Suicide Squad [Task Force X]
Supergirl Comic Box Commentary
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010
A Mayfairstivus for the Rest of Us! Day 1 welcomes you to the first day of Mayfairstivus, an 8-day celebration of Mayfair Games' DC Heroes Role-Playing Game from the 1980s. (Before you ask: yes, the timing of Myfairstivus to coincide with Hanukkah is entirely intentional.)
The DC Heroes Role-Playing Game was first released in 1985. The game proved popular, and a second, expanded edition was printed in 1989 that incorporated changes to the DC Universe following the Crisis on Infinite Earths. This second edition added significantly to the rules of play as well as updating the pre-constructed licensed characters, including Booster Gold who received his own "illustrated character card" as one of the 75 included in the second edition box set.
As Mayfair Games changed ownership over the years, the rights to the game have become a tangled mess, harder to unravel than Hawkman continuity. While the game may be lost to time, it is certainly not forgotten. We will be exploring Booster Gold's role within the game in coming days during this grand Mayfairstivus holiday!
More Booster Gold Mayfairstivus goodness to come tomorrow. Meanwhile, celebrate Mayfairstivus season with these other fine DC blogs:
The Anti-Didio League of America
The Aquaman Shrine
Comics Make Me Happy!
The Continuity Blog
DC Bloodlines
Diana Prince as The New Wonder Woman
Doom Patrol: My Greatest Adventure #80
Firestorm Fan
Flash: Speed Force
Girls Gone Geek
Green Lantern Corps: The Indigo Tribe
Hawkman: Being Carter HallÂ
Justice League Detroit
Martian Manhunter vs. The Idol-Head of Diabolu
Once Upon A Geek
Power of the Atom
Subject: Suicide Squad [Task Force X]
Supergirl Comic Box Commentary
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Read This, Too!

Several of us comic book bloggers put our heads together in an attempt to find ways to promote comics outside of our typical specialties. The goal was to present books that don't sell especially well but are still well worth reading. I set out to find some comics that were selling worse than Booster Gold that I enjoyed, so I could join the fun. There were plenty of great books to choose from, but being a longtime DC man, I couldn't let the opportunity pass to promote another time-traveling DC hero: Jonah Hex.
Hex has received a lot attention recently for his box office bomb. This is a terrible slight to a terrific character who is appearing regularly in a fantastic series. Hex's current comic, Jonah Hex, Volume 2, is, like Hex himself, a throwback to an earlier era. His comic books are frequently self-contained stories instead of the modern ongoing soap-opera of diamond chronology. Usually, you can pick up just one issue and be entertained by all the shooting and questionable morality of a prime-time television show.
If you are unfamiliar with Hex, you may be surprised that the comic book character is pretty much the prototypical Western anti-hero. (Hex is a man abused by life who has turned his cynical, sociopathic world-view into a unique way of life as a bounty hunter. No magic involved!) That might sound boring and cliched, but there's something quintessential American about the concept: just ask Clint Eastwood or John Wayne. Hex often does the right things for the right reasons, but he also does a lot of wrong things for money or sheer orneriness. This sort of questionable morality, key to the Western genre, is also the core to Hex's character.
As much as I enjoy John Ford and Sergio Leone movies, I've never really been a fan of comic book Westerns. Unlike DC's war comics, the typical DC Western always seemed too clean, their morality too well-defined. That has never been the case for Hex, who has been slugging through a moral morass as gray as his Confederate uniform since his earliest appearances. Jonah Hex is a monster, and he can not and will not hide who he is. His stories are dark and bloody. And there are never any winners, including Hex himself.
Thanks in no small part to its timeless themes, the many adventures of Jonah Hex easily rank among the greatest Western genre stories ever published by DC Comics (rivaling perhaps only Preacher). From his earliest origins as a ruthless bounty hunter in All-Star Western and Weird Western Tales to his reluctant flight into the future of the DCU in Hex (where he came face-to-face with his own stuffed corpse), the character has been consistently entertaining. His writers have made an effort to frequently subvert the mythology of Hex in favor of telling the timeless stories of greed, vengeance, murder, and justice synonymous with the legends of the Old West.
Jonah Hex, Volume 2, as written by Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti, continues this tradition of using Hex as a centerpiece to frame hard-nosed stories of an American psyche as scarred as the protagonist's face. Pick up a copy and you'll be probing the depths of humanity's dark soul (as drawn DC's finest artists -- a trip through Hell never looked so good). Unlike anyone who crosses Hex, you're sure to have a damned good time.
Interested in reading more? Good!
Check out the lesser-known titles reviewed in these other blogs and "Read Them, Too!":
Adam Strange at It's A Dan's World
American Vampire at Doom Patrol
Astro City at Speed Force
Booster Gold [!] and Zatanna at Red Tornado's Path
Essential Man-Thing at Firestorm Fan
Forgetless at Girls Gone Geek
Franklin Richards digests at Once Upon a Geek
Glamourpuss at Being Carter Hall
Peter David's Hulk at Fortress of Baileytude
Scott Pilgrim at Toyriffic
Son of Tomahawk and Thor the Mighty Avenger at Aquaman Shrine
Spelljammer at HeroPress
Spire Christian Comics at Mail It To Team-Up
Strange Science Fantasy at Siskoid's Blog of Geekery
R.E.B.E.L.S. at Indigo Tribe
The Unwritten at K-Squared Ramblings
Welcome to Tranquility at Girls Gone Geek
Comments (9) | Add a Comment | Tags: blog crossover jonah hex read this too
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