It has been 62 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
DC Heroes RPG 40th Anniversary Kickstarter
I can't think of a good intro here. I suspect that you're either old enough to remember the Mayfair Games DC Heroes Role-Playing Game from the late '80s or you're not. If you're not, you probably don't care about this, but if you are, Cryptozoic Games, publisher of the DC Deck-Building Game, has launched a Kickstarter Campaign to reprint the DC Heroes Role-Playing Game. All of it.
Even the Booster Gold module All that Glitters that has the Booster Gold Board Game on the back.
Especially that.
For a better idea of how much Booster Gold might be in there, and it's an appropriate amount corresponding to Booster's place in the DCU in 1985-89, I suggest you follow this link to Boosterrific Blog posts going back to the Mayfestivus comic-book blogger crossover of 2010.(Grumpy Old Man Digression: Remember when the Internet used to be fun? I even hosted a shockwave format single-player version of the All that Glitters Booster Gold Board Game here at back before Apple killed Flash Player. Ah, those were the days.)
It sure looks like it'll cost well upwards of $400 to get reprints of all the Booster Gold-related materials. Yeah, that's expensive, but DC isn't giving Booster Gold fans much else to buy these days, and I've got to spend that money on something, right?
Anyway, this is definitely something to be thankful for this year!
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