It has been 131 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Lock It Down
Spoiler Alert: Do not let Booster Gold touch your computer!
In honor of Booster showing up for a whole page in this week's Blue Beetle #2, I *finally* bit the bullet and bought an SSL Certificate for, as Google has been urging me to do for a decade, so that Booster boosters can feel secure when they... um, leave comments.
I didn't really think that this site needed an SSL Certificate yesterday, and I'm not convinced that today is any different. But I had the money, and... well, you know what they say about fools and money.
Quick aside here about buyer's remorse: in the year 1997, I impulsively spent all my savings on a used '95 Jeep Wrangler with 47,000 miles on it. That could be considered a dumb decision, and I berated myself quite a bit about it for a while. Fast forward to 2023: I still have that Jeep, and I am very, very attached to it. Which goes to show that not all decisions that seem in the moment to be a waste of money are.
(Although, it should be noted that not 30 minutes after I pressed the button to commit to purchasing the SSL certificate, the Jeep overheated and shut down in the middle of the road; it's now sitting in the mechanic's lot waiting for parts. Isn't that always the case? Just when you think you have enough money to upgrade a hobby website, you have to take out a loan for the mechanic.)
I still can't say as I see much value in an SSL certificate for given the kind of content I deliver — should I start charging ya'll for something? — but if it makes even one person more comfortable contributing to our community and celebrating Booster Gold, it's probably worth it.
Anyway, it's now installed, and I think everything is working correctly. Please let me know if you see anything that seems to be malfunctioning.
I'm sure it'll be fine.
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