Monday, July 10, 2023
This Day in History: There's Hope for Him Yet
Every day, I get a new email notifying me that someone on the Internet is talking about James Gunn's announced Booster Gold show. They don't have any new details, mind you, because there aren't any new details.
But I appreciate their enthusiasm. From their breathless clickbait, you'd think the character had never been on TV before. How soon everyone forgets Smallville.
To be fair to them, it has been over a decade since the CW cancelled that show after ten seasons. In fact, it's been exactly 10 years to the day since Booster's last appearance in the Smallville Season 11 comic book. Issue #15, to be specific.
At the time, Booster had been teleported to the 31st century to help the Legion of Super-Heroes save Metropolis. And Booster delivered as only he could.
I'm excited for a new Booster Gold television series, too. I'm looking forward to a new generation of audiences seeing a real hero in action again.
(While I'm on the topic of Smallville comics, I must admit that looking into this issue I realized that I had somehow failed to catalog Booster's cameo in Smallville Season 11 Special #5 and the reprint collections Smallville Season 11 Volume 8: Chaos and Smallville Season 11 Volume 9: Continuity. I think I've got all the Smallville appearances now, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.)
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