It has been 131 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Monday, September 5, 2022
Suggested Reading
I hope everyone has awesome Labor Day plans, so I'll keep this brief.
Booster Gold may or may not be in Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 this week. He's not in the preview at He wasn't in issue #2, so maybe Booster is taking the even-numbered issues off.
UPDATE 2022-09-06: Nope, he's in there, smiling away in a one-panel cameo appearance on page 6.
Booster probably isn't in Flashpoint Beyond #5 this week, but Rip Hunter's pre-Flashpoint Time Masters definitely are, as is Rip Hunter's secret time laboratory and future-teasing chalkboard. All of those things are visible in the preview at, which also seems to provide some spoilers to the ending of Dark Crisis, so beware.
Booster is almost guaranteed not to be in New Champion of Shazam #2, but I recommend you take a look at it anyway. I bought the first issue last month, and I loved it. What can I say? I'm a sucker for Hoppy the Marvel Bunny, especially when drawn by Doc Shaner. Some comics can be good even without Booster Gold.
Thank you for your consideration. I now return you to your regular scheduled holiday.
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