It has been 128 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Friday, May 27, 2022
This Day in History: The End of Convergence
If you're starting to feel like tragic events are repeating themselves over and over, you might be a DC Comics reader.
In 1985, the original Crisis on Infinite Earths destroyed the DC Multiverse. Twenty years later, Infinite Crisis revisited the same territory and partially restored the DC Multiverse. Ten years after that, Convergence revisited the same territory and revealed that the DC Multiverse had existed in our hearts all along.
That was 7 years ago today.
It was in the pages of Convergence Booster Gold #2, released May 27, 2015, that we learned that the Booster Gold who appeared in the New 52 Justice League International was not actually the same person who had appeared in two volumes of comics named Booster Gold.
And it was also in the pages of Convergence Booster Gold #2 that the original Booster Gold died and was brought back to life as the newest Waverider.
That happened just in time for Waverider to arrive and help save the day in Convergence #8, also released May 27, 2015. How did he help? By empowering Brainiac, the very same creature who had caused the Convergence in the first place.
The reality created by Convergence lasted barely a year before Doctor Manhattan's tinkering in DC Universe: Rebirth resulted in awkward merging the pre- and post-New 52 realities to create a whole new continuity lying somewhere in between, a reality that has since been revised in Death Metal and is again being challenged in this summer's Dark Crisis.
Like I said, sometimes reading DC Comics is like being caught in a cosmic hamster wheel of trauma, a wheel that seems to be spinning faster and faster the longer we're on it.
However, the important lesson isn't that the multiverse is full of evil. The lesson is that every time evil rears its head, heroes will emerge to fight it.
Such is life in every universe.
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