It has been 129 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Legends of Tonight
According to my television guide, the season seven finale of DC's Legends of Tomorrow debuts tonight at 8PM Eastern.
You may recall that this is the episode that will introduce Donald Faison's mystery character who very well might be the Berlanti Arrowverse's version of Booster Gold. Or, at least some version of him, as Legends of Tomorrow leans heavily into the DC Multiverse.
Anyway, tonight's the night, Booster boosters. So tune in and see what you think. You know I will.
"The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show" is the second best Simpsons episode ever. Fight me.
UPDATE: Yep, Donald Faison is Booster Gold, all right. If the show is renewed for a season 8, it sure looks like we'll be getting more.
Side note: The episode is *not* designed for viewers who are not already intimitely familiar with the series. So if you're watching DC Legends of Tomorrow for the first time — or in my case, the second time in 7 years — may God have mercy on your soul.
Second side note: If you're looking for my opinion, I didn't hate it. I didn't love it, either, but, hey, I'm more of a Comic Book Guy anyway. Faison certainly had the right energy, I'll give him that, and I won't be bothered at all if they bring him back for more episodes. I might even be persuaded to watch them.
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