It has been 133 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Monday, October 25, 2021
Trixie Collins, Landlord
Readers of Blue and Gold #3 may be unaware that Booster's old secretary, Theresa Collins, has previous history of providing office space to superheroes.
It didn't go well.
Teen Titans #17 (1998), written and drawn by Dan Jurgens, saw the Teen Titans reforming under the leadership of former Justice Leaguer Atom who had been de-aged to a teenager by Extant in Zero Hour.
To attract attention, the team chose the "hottest hangout in Metropolis" for its new headquarters:
Teen Titans #17 additional art by Phil Jimenez, Gregory Wright, Comicraft
The Stain was a combination nightclub/arcade. In Teen Titans #18, its manager was — you guessed it — Trixie Collins.
Teen Titans #18 additional art by Phil Jimenez, Gregory Wright, Comicraft, Digital Chameleon
"Lazer Booster 2000"? A Booster Gold Easter egg!
Mercifully, this dysfunctional incarnation of the Titans was canceled eight issues after it started, but the Stain didn't last even that long. It was blown up by longtime team nemesis Deathstroke The Terminator in issue #22.
It's been two decades since the Stain was removed. I sure hope Trixie learned her lesson and has supervillain insurance for her new building.
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