Wednesday, December 6, 2017
This Day in History: Great Gulls!
On this day in 1998, Booster Gold was in the field when the Gene Bomb was detonated by a rogue alien Dominator. The Gene Bomb threatened the lives of the super-powered people in the world, and it was up to our hero and other heroes without genetic powers (like the Blue Beetle!) to keep the peace.
Invasion! #3 by Keith Giffen, Bill Mantlo, Bart Sears, et. al.
Invasion! was Booster Gold's second major DC Universe event. There have been many since, and Booster has usually been relegated to a minor role.
Such is the difficulty of being a time cop dedicated to the preservation of history. Even when Booster knows what's coming, there's very little he can do to stop it.
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