Freytaw posted on Aug. 13, 2014 at 12:28 PM
"third-stringers has no place in n52"
This is so wrong. There are "third stringers" all over the place in the New 52, we just have to look at them. Except it still the same thing, nobody want to look at them or just ignoring it. Ok, Booster is not back (yet), but we can find a lot of substitute heroes at each corner of the DC Verse, with the JLD (Frankenstein, Deadman) , JLU (Animal Man), JLA bring back Vibe (they try a solo title about him), Katana was there too. We still have got Frankenstein and Grifter in Futures End. Klarion will come back in his own title. All the GL still exists. Black Lightning still around the corner (see in Forever Evil and DC Universe Presents). We've got right now, a new title about the Forever People (who's talking about third-stringers ?), etc, etc, etc...
I am mostly talking about the "bottom-line" sentence... But anyway...
Boosterrific [Official Comment] posted on Aug. 13, 2014 at 3:02 PM
I agree that the New 52 has taken a lot of chances promoting 3rd string characters. None of that has panned out except in ensemble books, but that's always been the case. (The mass market just doesn't exist for minor characters, and that's what makes them minor characters. Not very "New,' is it?)
However, I agree with the sentiment (if not the exact phrasing). By throwing out decades of backstory, the DCnU feels a lot smaller than the old DCU, and that's discouraging.
Freytaw posted on Aug. 13, 2014 at 7:50 PM
Of course it's smaller, because it is "new". That's all the point about the "new". This is a world in construction. We just have to give it a chance to build itself, and of course, it will take a little time...
I undertstand the other feeling too, and I know that it feels very bad to lose all the heritage of the old universe. But it's a part of the DC history, and I'm sure they know it. We just have to give us a chance to show us what they want to tell with this "new" universe.
The next "crisis" and Multiversity could tell us a lot about it. Maybe I am just naive, I can't tell, but I'm still believe that they know what they're doing. And I am belive in the power of the "third-stringer" characters, and I believe in the power of Booster Gold, to come back and show us (again) how great he is !
Boosterrific [Official Comment] posted on Aug. 14, 2014 at 2:20 AM
First of all, I don't see much "new" in the New 52 other than pinstriping. I have yet to see a single story that DC is telling that required a universe-wide reboot. So to be perfectly clear, I don't get the point of "new," especially when it is not coupled with "improved."
That said, DC didn't create the New 52 to sell comics to me or anyone else who has been buying comics as long as I've been buying comics. They wanted/needed new blood, and I hope they got it. I also hope that whoever they are selling comics to these days is enjoying them. Superman et al are great characters and I am hopeful that those who came after me will like them as much as I do.
I'm not worried about Booster Gold. He'll be back one day, and his fans will be waiting for him.
Eyz posted on Aug. 14, 2014 at 8:44 AM
To the others above: Taking chances? I don't see the New 52 doing any of that.
Repurposing better ideas under a new coat of paint? Sure. Like Justice League Dark, Animal Man, Blackhawks, the Green Team or Dial H.
We already had all of those eiter during the 80s or the 2000s.
But making new books like Xombi (which the DC one was just canceled prior to the New 52), Jaime Reyes' original Blue Beetle book at the time, Montoya's Question or Doctor 13? I don't see any of those.
And by all that I just mean making fun NEW ideas. New series. Like offering comedy books, not just gritty thrillers and adventures. Say, the Angel & Ape series (the original, 80s or Vertigo one for example).
Or a book lead by an Asian main protagonist like the Ryan Choi All-New Atom.
Don't see any of that.
The current New 52 is such a streamlined generic line. I mean, sure they tried (a little) in the beginning, but it all down to 60% gritty Bat-books, 30& GL and Superman action-adventure stuff and 10% team books/Vertigo-ysh "superhero" supernatural dramas.
Where's my fun sitcom-style JLI funny title!?
Also, I miss Kevin Maguire, but that doesn't have anything to do with all that.