It has been 138 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Thursday, July 12, 2012
Everybody's Talking About It
Booster Gold could be as bad an actor as Joe Montana, and I suspect that I would still watch him play a cadaver on CSI: New York.
Last week's poll question: If Booster Gold became an actor, what sorts of roles would you expect to find him cast in? (37 votes)
Comic-Con International 2012 is underway in San Diego, and you can hear it all the way out here on the east coast. With the injection of Hollywood appeal, this event is now estimated to generate nearly $200 million for the city of San Diego this week alone. That's about the total gross profit of all domestic comics sold so far this year! Now that Comic-Con, once the mother of all comic book conventions, is a cross-media institution unto itself, how do you feel about its role as the modern geek Mecca?
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