TGB posted on Aug. 28, 2010 at 10:32 AM
Hey, kind of off-topic, but... the post this is most in response to is on a different page.
Anyone else worried that the departure of Giffen from JL:GL will mean that his iteration of the Booster Gold main title will be even more out of touch with the other stuff happening with the character? I am.
If he's realized that he just needs to leave the JLI behind, why the crap can't he do the same with Booster Gold? I really don't like this guy.
Superman posted on Aug. 28, 2010 at 5:43 PM
@TGB: Did he really say that? That he wants to leave the JLI behind, and that is why he left Generation Lost?
Boosterrific [Official Comment] posted on Aug. 28, 2010 at 6:46 PM
@Superman: No, Giffen is leaving JL:GL to Winick because he wants to pursue other projects, including more drawing, not because he has lost a taste for the JLI. Clearly he is still using the JLI in BOOSTER GOLD. You can read more on an earlier post here:
@TGB: While Giffen can tell quite a variety of stories, his style certainly can be an acquired taste. I did not much care for him myself when I first read him (in ACTION COMICS, if I recall), but maybe because he has written more Booster Gold stories than anyone other than Dan Jurgens, I quite enjoy his work now. He won't be around forever, so I would hope that he won't run you off the book. But don't worry: if you can't take Giffen & DeMatteis anymore and are forced to drop the book, Boosterrific will keep you abreast of Booster's activities without forcing you to read any G/D stories.
TGB posted on Aug. 28, 2010 at 8:06 PM
In te interview he stated that he realized the characters have changed, etc, that they'd change with our without him, and that it was time for him to move on. Booster grew and moved on long before this... yet he felt like this was acceptable. Dan worked awfully hard, and so did Jones before him,
to get Booster taken anlitrle more seriously, and it is because of those two that he is in 4 books a month right now. He's undoing the repairs they made.
TGB posted on Aug. 28, 2010 at 8:42 PM
Sorry, Johns, not Jones. Stupid smartphone keyboard and autocorrect!
I'll still buy the book because I don't want it to go away, but I don't enjoy it as much.
Superman posted on Aug. 28, 2010 at 11:53 PM
@Boosterrific: That's good to hear. Giffen was the one who pushed for JLI to be included in the Brightest Day stories. It would be very irresponsible of him to leave the series less than halfway through, even if JL:GL goes on great without him, as #8 indicates.
Boosterrific [Official Comment] posted on Aug. 29, 2010 at 12:51 AM
@TGB: I think you are selling Giffen short. If you re-read those old JLI's, you'll see that Giffen's Booster was not nearly so much a fool as people think. The madcap schemes were always Beetle's idea. Booster was just a young guy having a good time doing some stupid, silly things. (Make of it what you will, but Booster played exactly the same role in Jurgens' later run on Justice League.) Honestly, there may not even be a Booster Gold anymore if it wasn't for Giffen using him in the JLI, so I feel in some ways indebted to his take on the character.
I can understand that readers who became attached to Geoff Johns' Booster may be offended by the recently return to an irreverent take on the character's adventures (Giffen & DeMatteis took some flack for that back in the JLI days, too). But I don't think that Giffen is weakening the character now: Booster's still a real, competent hero (far more so than at any other point in his entire history), just more bizarre & silly stuff is happening around him than usual. I'm personally enjoying seeing the "cover story" side of Booster's lifestyle, where the world at large still thinks he's a joke and the pain that it causes Booster to maintain that facade. I would hope that the character of Booster Gold, like Batman or Wonder Woman, is strong enough to survive many varying (and sometimes conflicting) interpretations that would bring it to a wider audience.
Eyz posted on Aug. 30, 2010 at 4:32 AM
Good for your site!
More "advertisment" for Boosterrific! means more love for Booster Gold!