It has been 131 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 1 of 1 matching: tristan benns
Friday, August 13, 2021
Getting by with a Little Help From His Friends
Web-surfing Booster boosters might have noticed an article at this week titled "Batman's Still Keeping His Saddest Secret From The Justice League" in which Tristan Benns writes about events from Blue and Gold #1.
(Spoiler Warning: If you still haven't read Blue and Gold, be aware that spoilers follow. But, c'mon. You're reading a Booster Gold blog, and the book came out three weeks ago. Please try to keep up.)
As I was saying, per
Pretty much every member of the team berates Gold behind his back, except for Batman — the hero that fans and Leaguers would expect to like Booster the least....
It's not entirely clear whether Booster's status as master of time has been restored in Infinite Frontier, but Batman's silence when the rest of the League rejects Booster speaks volumes, as does the knowing look he gives the Blue Beetle.
Sure, I noticed Batman's silent treatment, and I agree it speaks volumes. But to decipher what's going on here, it might be helpful to clarify Batman's historical relationship with Booster Gold.
Contrary to what might be presumed given his famously dour personality, Batman has always been among Booster's earliest supporters. In fact, Booster even made The Batman smile with his performance during his original audition for Justice League membership in Justice League #4 (1987):
Batman and Booster as written by Keith Giffen and J.M DeMatteis
Two decades later, in the pages of in the pages of Booster Gold #1,000,000 (2008), The World's Greatest Detective would reveal another reason he had always stood up for Booster: he knew Booster would become a Time Master before Booster ever did.
Batman and Booster as written by Geoff Johns and Jeff Katz
The events of Flashpoint changed much of the history of the DC Universe, but Batman was among the least affected, and his staunch support of Booster Gold was still on display in Justice League International #1 (2011). So it should come as no surprise that Batman would remain among Booster's allies in the Infinite Frontier-era Blue & Gold, even if he and Ted Kord are the only ones.
Knowing all that, if there's anything to be read into Batman's silence in Blue and Gold, it's that Booster is definitely still a Time Master, and Batman still knows all about it.
Batman and Beetle (about Booster) as written by Dan Jurgens
Footnote: "Pretty much every member of the team... except for Batman" is a very correct description of the scene in Blue and Gold because while Batman stays silent, one other Leaguer actually speaks up in defense of Booster Gold. That hero is Black Canary, who not coincidentally is the only other current team member who was present at Booster's debut in the aforementioned Justice League #4. (You can see her blond hair behind Captain Marvel in the panels above.) Old school is the best school.
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