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Showing posts 1 - 2 of 2 matching: steve garcia

Friday, March 14, 2014

Heroes Cast Many Shadows

Yesterday, a bunch of comic book bloggers posted the work of artist Steve Garcia, who has made a name for himself by turning the silhouettes of our favorite characters into inspirational posters.

I posted Garcia's Booster Gold silhouette back in October, but I didn't want to miss out on all the fun. Click on any of the following links to visit the posts (and maybe find a fun, new comic book blog to follow).

Alfred at The Riddle Factory

Ambush Bug at My Greatest Adventure 80

Aquaman at The Aquaman Shrine

Atom at The Power of the Atom

Batgirl at The Riddle Factory

Batman at The Riddle Factory

Batwoman at The Riddle Factory

Beast Boy at My Greatest Adventure 80

Black Canary at Flowers & Fishnets

Blue Beetle at Kord Industries

Captain Atom at Splitting Atoms

Captain Marvel at DC Bloodlines

Cyborg at S.T.A.R. Labs Detroit

Deadman at My Greatest Adventure 80

Flash at Speed Force

Gorilla Grodd at Speed Force

Green Arrow at Flowers & Fishnets

Green Lantern at Indigo Tribe

Hawkgirl at The Power of the Atom

Huntress at Flowers & Fishnets

Kid Flash at Speed Force

Lois Lane at Comic Box Commentary

Martian Manhunter at Idol Head of Diabolu

Mera at The Aquaman Shrine

Metamorpho at My Greatest Adventure 80

Mirror Master at Speed Force

Nightwing at The Riddle Factory

Plastic Man at EEYOW! It's Plastic Man

Power Girl at My Greatest Adventure 80

Professor Zoom at Speed Force

Red Tornado at Red Tornado's Path

Riddler at The Riddle Factory

Robin at The Riddle Factory

Steel at DC Bloodlines

Swamp Thing at The Blog from the Bog

Trickster at Speed Force

Vibe at Comic Box Commentary

Wonder Girl at Diana Prince as The New Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman at Diana Prince as The New Wonder Woman

Zatanna at Justice League Detroit

Captain America at Daredevil Podcast

Daredevil at Daredevil Podcast

Dr. Strange at Nurgh

Hulk at Daredevil Podcast

Nick Fury at Nurgh

Thor at The Hammer Strikes

Thanks to all involved, especially Steve Garcia, whose art can be found at

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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I'm Gonna Live Forever

Booster Gold wearing a bow tie and dinner jacket over his costume in Booster Gold, volume 1, #3 is one of my favorite Booster moments. Seems I'm not alone.

Fame by Steve Garcia

"Fame" is just one of a huge assortment of silhouettes of comic and pop culture characters created by Steve Garcia. You can find his gallery online at

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There have been 2894 blog entries since January 2010.





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