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Monday, November 8, 2021

Looking for Something to Read

Blue and Gold #4 was originally solicited for October 19, but when issue 3 slid to October 12, it was easy to see that that issue 4 would be significantly off target, too. Expect to see it next week.

In the meantime, may I suggest that you read a book. Maybe the kind without pictures. Perhaps a book like The Death and Life of Superman (1993, ISBN 0-553-09582-X) by Action Comics writer Roger Stern?

You'll find this historic passage early in Chapter 8:

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Now that's what I call literature!

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Monday, October 26, 2020

The Strong and Silent Type

Xylob recently wrote to say that I didn't have an explanation of how I classified the different continuities on the Continuity List. I fixed that. (The definition now appears as part of the page text.) Thanks, Xylob!

While fixing it, I took another look at Booster Gold's first DCAU appearance in Superman & Batman Magazine #8.

Here is a very condensed version of the story, "Let Justice Be Done" written by Roger Stern, containing every panel that Booster Gold appears in. See if you don't agree with me that this is the very best his 1990s armor looked.

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Apparently, when Booster Gold lost his original suit in the Animated Universe, he also lost his voice. But you have to agree that his then-new suit sure looks as good as it ever did under the pencils of Ty Templeton and pens of Rick Burchett! (Captain Atom's long hair is pretty cool, too.)

My new motto for the 1990s: "It wasn't all bad." Especially in comparison to the 2020s.

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