It has been 131 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

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Monday, April 7, 2014
Clear Skies, a Nice Breeze, Dandelions and Art
If you're a fan of Li'l Booster Gold's appearances in Yale Stewart's JL8 webcomic, you now have the opportunity to own it.
Stewart is raising cash by selling his original art for the strip. Strip #160, seen in part above, can be yours for $375.00. You can find it and many more at
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Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Clear Skies, a Nice Breeze, Dandelions and Ted
These days, I spend more time promoting a webcomic than I do any DC comic books. That's right, Yale Stewart is up to his old tricks, including Li'l Booster Gold in his JL8 webcomic.
It's good to see Booster Gold doing what he does best: taking advantage of the good things in life.
As always, I encourage you to check out the whole strip at
Thanks to Morgenstern for being the first to call this appearance to our attention.
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Tuesday, February 18, 2014
JL8 Dresses to the Nines
In the 1980s, my entire wardrobe consisted of Ocean Pacific apparel. I wish I looked half as sharp as Li'l Booster does in the latest installment of the JL8 webcomic by Yale Stewart.
Of course, the image above is just one panel of the entire strip, but who cares about any character other than Booster Gold? (If you care about some character other than Booster Gold, you can find the whole strip at
Thanks to Freytaw for calling this to our attention.
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Friday, July 19, 2013
JL8 Is Great
Booster booster Chris Aguinaldo was the first point my attention to Li'l Blue and Gold, appearing in the latest installment of the JL8 webcomic by Yale Stewart.
Click image to read in its original size and aspect ratio at
I have to admit, I had never heard of JL8 until Wednesday, but it seems that many of you are already following it. As I said, Chris was the first to point me in that direction via email, but I have also gotten notifications about it in Twitter and private messages, and it is even a thread in the Boosterrific Forum. Maybe I'm the only one who didn't know about it!
Stewart has taken this strip one step further and merchandised it with a "Cheese it, Ted!" golden t-shirt that you can order at
Thanks to Yale for making such a Boosterrific comic and shirt (why doesn't offer any t-shirts?), and to everyone else for pointing it out.
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