It has been 133 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

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Monday, February 26, 2024
Sooner to Be New Release: Blue Beetle
Booster booster Rob Snow points us to the interview of Josh Trujillo, writer of next week's Keith Giffen-inspired Blue Beetle #7, by David Brooke for
AIPT: Blue Beetle #7 features Booster Gold. On a scale of one to 10, how fun is it to write Booster?!
Josh Trujillo: Umm, like a 12 on that scale? Booster is one of the most ridiculous and perfect good boys in comics. He has such an incredible hook and SO MANY good stories! A huge ego and also a huge heart for his friends! I really can't get enough of him.
It took a lot of restraint not to let him completely take over the book, but this story is about Jaime's journey in helping save his mentor and friend, our beloved Ted Kord. And Booster is there helping him every step of the way.
AIPT: This is a time travel issue. How hard is it to avoid retcons?
JT: I'll leave that for the wiki editors to answer!
In all seriousness, I pored over so many comics to find openings/moments that wouldn't directly conflict with the work Keith and his collaborators did. But the simple fact is that this is a time travel story, so try not to get too stuck in the details and just enjoy the ride. Let the continuity cops deal with the mess Booster and Jaime are making (and they will!)
As a fan of huge egos and Time Masters, let me go on the record and say that I am not enthusiastic about anyone making a mess of established continuity. But this sounds like fun, so I'll allow it. This time.
Blue Beetle #7 features art by Natacha Bustos, Howard Porter, Cully Hamner, Scott Kolins, with a Booster Gold cover by Adrian Gutierrez. Look for the issue on shelves (in English and Spanish editions) March 5.
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