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Showing posts 11 - 15 of 21 matching: dan didio

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Mid-Life Crisis

Enthusiastic crowd! Here's hoping that most of you aren't wrong.

Last week's poll question: What do you think Dan DiDio was teasing about DC's plans for Booster Gold? (62 votes)

What do you think Dan DiDio was teasing about DC's plans for Booster Gold?

Joss recently joined the Boosterrific Forum (hello, Joss!), and he immediately asked me the tough question: How old is Booster Gold? That's a hard question to answer.

Booster was in his mid-twenties when he debuted in Booster Gold volume 1, and was revealed to be in his mid-thirties in later issues of Booster Gold volume 2, but that was before he was infected with a disease that made his functionally immortal. Of course, the New 52 reset everything, making the entire DC Universe, and presumably Booster Gold, considerably younger, although Booster seemed to survive Flashpoint unaltered. Where does all that leave Booster Gold?

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Thursday, August 7, 2014

Something to Get Excited About?

I don't think a lack of Booster Gold cosplayers is in and of itself a problem, but when no one cares enough to dress like Booster Gold it seems to me that the fans are starting to move on to other things. Given how DC has underused The Greatest Character In History for the past 2+ years, maybe they should.

Last week's poll question: Does the lack of Booster Gold cosplayers at Comic-Con signify a bigger problem for Booster Gold fandom? (46 votes)

Does the lack of Booster Gold cosplayers at Comic-Con signify a bigger problem for Booster Gold fandom?

I often feel that I'm letting Booster Gold fans down when I don't gush with enthusiasm over teases like Dan DiDio's DC All Access announcement. Naturally, I'm not the sort of person who who gets excited about such things (especially when they come from someone with DiDio's track record of intentionally misleading statements), but that doesn't necessarily mean that you shouldn't. Hope and enthusiasm are good things. So I ask you, the fans, what was your reaction to DiDio's tease?

"So with the Five Year Later jump in September, There's one book that's a clue book, there's one book that sets it all up, and it's the one book that gives us a glimpse of what's about to come in. ... I'm not saying it's Booster Gold, but it'd be great if it was Booster Gold."

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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Cake Is a Lie

I'm sure by now you all know where I stand on spreading empty promises and rumors. But since a lot of people seem to be very excited about the fact that a DC executive has actually uttered the words "Booster Gold" on camera, here you go:

That's right, Dan DiDio has officially gone on record in an official DC promotional video as saying that the company is planning something for next April that may or may not involve Booster Gold.

Make of it what you will.

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Too Much of a Good Thing

Once upon a time, producing a weekly title was thought to be nearly impossible. Action Comics Weekly was considered a failure in 1988, not because of low sales, but because of the difficulty of production demands. Nearly two decades and one information super-highway later, DC would return to the concept with 52 with far more success. Some credit the talent assembled to work on the book, but we all know the real reason: Booster Gold.

Recognizing the cash cow of 52, DC has followed with Countdown, Trinity, DC Universe: Legends, and Brightest Day. After a break for the implementation of the "New 52" — which maybe needs to consider dropping the "new" considering its advancing age — and it's taken a few years for DC to return to this concept. But DC is back with a bang! In addition to Batman: Eternal — out today — DC is launching Futures End and a third weekly title to be named later.

If that sounds like a lot of work, that's because it is. And it's also probably bad news for Booster Gold fans. Back in February, Dan DiDio implied to Vanetta Rogers of that these weekly books will count as 4 books each in DC's total line-up. DC may have abandoned its limit of 52 series, but that still means that these 3 weekly series will count as 12 titles. Therefore, so long as Batman is eternal, there will be less room for other characters of the DC pantheon to take their place in the limelight.

Certainly the spoilers for Futures End #0 released at yesterday seem to confirm that Booster won't be a star in that title. If Booster Gold is ever going to return to action in the New DC Universe, it's looking more and more like he's going to have to accept playing a supporting role to Batman.

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ask Dan DiDio

Yesterday, we saw that Geoff Johns told us to ask Dan DiDio when we'd be getting a new Booster Gold comic. So Booster booster Gio3432 did just that on Twitter.

Gio: @dandidio1 they say to ask you so... When are we going to see a Booster Gold title? #BoosterGold #ask@DanDidio1

And he got the following answer:

dan didio: @Gio3432 working on it.

I like that answer. Really, it's just as ambiguous as Johns' answer was, but "working on it" is much more comforting to hear than "Buster who?"

Thanks for the update, Gio! (Gio3432 posted the news in the Boosterrific Forum yesterday).

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