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Showing posts 31 - 35 of 117 matching: television

Monday, April 30, 2018

Wake Up to Action Next Week

Grab those rabbit ears, Booster boosters! It looks like Cartoon Network will finally be airing the final 6 Justice League Action episodes next week.

New episodes should air every day next week at 6:15AM Eastern/Pacific, but we've got our eyes out for two in particular. Per the episode synopses reported by

"Watchtower Tours"
Monday, May 7 at 6:15 a.m. (ET/PT)
When Booster Gold starts to secretly give tours of the Watchtower to make some extra cash, he inadvertently brings in a super villain disguised as a tourist.

"She Wore Red Velvet"
Saturday, May 12 at 6:15 a.m. (ET/PT)
When Booster and the JLA come under attack by a mysterious and unrelenting new villainess known as Red Velvet, Booster comes to realize she's actually the fiance he left at the altar in the future.

Dedicated Boosterholics may already be aware that these "new" JLAction episodes have been released overseas and via the Cartoon Network app, but this is the first time they will be coming to American televisions.

I already have my alarm clock set!

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Friday, January 12, 2018

Made for Television Event recently declared Booster Gold the best time-traveling comic book hero "of all time." (Does that include the comic books of the future?) However, Booster still isn't as well known as television's greatest time traveler, Doctor Who.

Ross Pearsall has done his part to correct that imbalance in two recent issues of his long-running Super-Team Family Presents... mash-ups.

Super-Team Family Presents #2077

Super-Team Family Presents #2078

And these aren't the only Booster Gold related team-ups Pearsall has given us in the past month. Ross also reunited Roboforce, the all-robot team of Skeets, R2D2, Red Tornado, Atomic Robo, and Machine Man in a battle against their mortal enemy, Magnus: Robot Fighter! You can see that issue on

Keep up the good work, Ross.

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Monday, December 11, 2017

Blue and Gold on Arrow?

Nicole Drum reports that Arrow showrunner Marc Guggenheim told attendees of this weekend's ACE Comic Con Long Island that Blue Beetle and Booster Gold could be coming to his show.

"I will say, both those characters [Booster Gold and Blue Beetle] are characters we've talked about," Guggenheim said. "Originally Ray Palmer, who was introduced on Arrow, he was supposed to be Ted Kord and we went another way. So, you know, Booster and Blue Beetle, all the 'B' characters really, we're always talking about but nothing I can announce or speak to at the moment."

Hm. That doesn't sound very encouraging to me. However, it's not a "no," so maybe there is still a chance.

Drum goes on to speculate what exactly this comment could mean for the Arrowverse at

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Friday, December 1, 2017

Kreisberg Out at CW reported yesterday that Warner Bros has terminated their association with Andrew Kreisberg following a three week investigation into inappropriate behavior.

Though Kreisberg was most recently credited as Executive Producer on CW television shows The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow, fans of Booster Gold most likely know him as the writer of the Justice League Unlimited episode "The Greatest Story Never Told." Kreisberg was also attached to an attempt to sell a Booster Gold television show to Syfy in 2011. He has long been an avid promoter of our hero.

I had expressed disappointment last year when Greg Berlanti announced that Zack Stentz, not Kreisberg, would be the writer working on the latest attempt to get a Booster Gold movie off the ground. However, given the recent events, perhaps that was for the best. At least Kreisberg's ouster shouldn't harm Berlanti's prospects of getting its Booster Gold movie made.

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Monday, July 3, 2017

Ready for Television

For the Independence Day holiday this year, let's celebrate this classy redesign of Blue Beetle and Booster Gold by Julalesss on

Blue and Gold by julalesss at

I think they both look like something we might see on the CW, and I'm okay with that. At least there we can be sure that Booster won't be wearing his New 52 redesign. (No, I'm never going to stop beating that dead horse.)

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