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Friday, November 22, 2019

The Future of Television Is Maximum HBO

I'm never one to spread rumors, but ever since news broke that Greg Berlanti and Zack Stentz were working on a Booster Gold movie, rumor is about all we've had to talk about.

The skinny from David James of is that

"[S]ome upcoming DCEU movies may skip theaters and premiere on HBO Max. The big name we're hearing is that Booster Gold could be the first feature film release for the service."

In case you hadn't already heard, Warner Bros will jump into the greedy proprietary streaming service game in May 2020. The service will stream content from across Warner Bros properties, both pre-existing and newly created. Berlanti has already announced two DC-themed shows.

As a result of that announcement, it seems a safe bet that the days are numbered for Warner Bros' existing DC Universe streaming service. We already know that at least some of its content (specifically Doom Patrol) will be moving to HBO Max. Therefore, if a Booster Gold movie is ever going to happen, it seems logical to assume that will be showing up at HBO Max, too.

Of course, that's all speculation. Like I said: rumors are about all we have to talk about when it comes to Booster Gold: The Movie.

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Friday, August 9, 2019

The Future of Moving Pictures

Last weekend, CW president Mark Pedowitz spoke to reporters about his network's plans following the conclusion to Arrow at the end of the 2019-20 season, and he hinted that the replacement show is likely to also take place in the DC Comics-inspired "Arrowverse."

As the Hollywood Reporter reported, Pedowitz said

"There is another property we're looking at for the following season."

As you might expect, that vague tease has sent DC fandom into a bit of a tizzy as everyone developed their own pet theory for what he could have in mind and what they'd like to see. Sites like and CBR have suggested a bunch of possibilities, from Nightwing to the JSA. One name that comes up pretty consistently is, as you might expect, Booster Gold.

Booster seems as good a guess as anything. Arrow executive producer/writer/director Greg Berlanti has tried in the past to get a Booster Gold project off the ground. Last we heard, Booster was still in the works as a movie project at Warner Bros, but who knows?

Maybe this is Booster's opportunity. Maybe it isn't. There are a bunch of deserving DC Comics properties that remain chronically underexposed to mainstream audiences. Who will the lucky winner be? Keep watching the CW to find out.

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Friday, June 7, 2019

Clean Your Room or Taste Laser

Eric Martsolf has been playing Brady Black on the daytime soap opera Days of Our Lives since 2008. But Booster Gold fans know him better as the only person to date to play a live action Booster Gold on television.

Martsolf was recently interviewed by Canadian television website,, where he doubled down on his earlier comments about the legacy of playing Booster Gold. From playing various roles in shows such as Days of Our Lives, Passions, and Global's own NCIS, what has been your favourite role to date?

Eric: Besides Brady Black it would have to be Booster Gold from the Smallville series because I got to fly. I got to show Clark Kent how to be Superman and it was just cool. I got a lot of credit with my kids because at the age that they were at, they truly believed that I could shoot lasers out of my wrists and if they misbehaved they thought I was going to shoot a laser at them. That role has just given me a lot back.

Booster Gold is the role that keeps on giving.

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Friday, May 17, 2019

Bigger Than Gone With the Wind

The first trailer for CW's Batwoman television show was released yesterday. It will soon accompany the network's Supergirl, Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, and Black Lightning.

Meanwhile, the DC Universe is almost ready to unveil a (second) Swamp Thing series to go with its Doom Patrol and Titans series. Stargirl is on her way.

It sure seems like there are a ton of live action series based on DC Universe properties out there right now, with more in the pipeline. You can probably see where I'm going with this.

When will it be Booster Gold's turn to star in his own show?

SyFy teased us with an announcement of a Booster Gold project years ago, but that never even went to pilot. Then there was news of a movie produced by the powers that created the "Arrowverse." That hasn't materialized, either (though rumors persist that it isn't "dead"). What's the deal, DC? Are you holding Booster back for the perfect moment?

Watching the march of DC characters getting their own shows before Booster Gold wouldn't be so grating if a live-action Booster Gold project wasn't literally the first thing Booster ever sold us when we first met him 33 years ago in Booster Gold #1.

© DC Comics

© DC Comics

One of these days, Booster. One of these days.

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Monday, March 18, 2019

Eric Martsolf Done Playing Booster Gold

Booster Gold fans will recognize actor Eric Martsolf as the first (and so far only) actor to play our hero in a live action production. (For the record, that was on the Smallville episode "Booster" airing April 22, 2011 as the 18th episode of the series' 10th season. Remember this?)

Martsolf is still acting on daytime television and was recently interviewed by Michael Maloney for TV Insider during which he reminisced about his Smallville days.

TV Insider: You got to play humor when you played Booster Gold on Smallville. How much fun was that?

Martsolf: That was my favorite role to date. It was funny, heroic, a comic book come to life; I loved getting to play someone who's completely larger than life. I got credit from my kids for playing a character who's a member of the Justice League. I still have [fans] from the DC Universe and the Smallville world hit me up on social media, trying to get a Booster Gold movie going on, but now I may have to settle for playing his dad. Then again, he is a time traveler.

TV Insider: Was there anything from the Smallville episode you got to keep? Probably not the Booster Gold costume!

Martsolf: No, that custom-made to my body leather outfit, I think, was more expensive more than my first house was! I did get to keep several of the Booster Gold fan club shirts [that were in the show as a story point]. At the end of the episode, I, as Booster, throw one to Clark (Tom Welling) and say, 'You're an XL, right, Clark?' I remember after the scene I gave Tom a hug [goodbye] and he said take as many of those shirts as you want.

Booster's dad, Jonar Carter, is a thoroughly bad seed. If When Booster ever returns to the screen, Jonar would make a great antagonist. And Martsolf would get another shot at keeping his own "body leather outfit," this time as the masked Supernova. Yes, I would definitely watch that.

(The t-shirt Martsolf mentions seen in the episode, by the way, was the Booster Gold Fan Club t-shirt released in 2009 by Graphitti Designs under license of DC Comics with art by Dan Jurgens.)

You can read the whole article, mostly about Martsolf's experiences on the soap operas Days of Our Lives and Passions, at

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