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Monday, March 14, 2011

Booster Gold is 23 Says Dan Jurgens

I know that the Dan Jurgens interview at CBR was linked in the forum last week (if you haven't read it, you can find it here), but I'd like to revisit it a bit for one key fact: Booster's age.

CBR: What is the core concept to Booster Gold that you want people to retain in their iterations of the character from now to future generations to come?

DJ: ...[H]e is young -- in my head he's 23 years old, and in some ways more immature than that!

Twenty-Three? In recent issues of Booster Gold it was suggested that Booster was 30-35 before he served a five-year prison term. Ignoring that fact for a minute, Booster was only 20 years old when he returned to the 20th century from the 25th: are we to assume that his entire super hero career has lasted only 3 years so far?

Since arriving in the 20th century, Booster Gold has founded and lost a major business conglomerate and spent considerable time in the Justice League. He has cultivated a deep friendship and business partnership with Ted Kord, who has now been dead for some time. He has developed from an outsider to a laughingstock to a true hero to a leader. All this in less time than it takes to earn a college degree?

It's one thing for a character like Superman or Batman, paragons of their archetype with little need for character growth, to have accomplished a near infinite number of adventures in a relatively short span of time. But it strains credibility to imagine that Booster has matured so drastically in such a short period.

I'm not arguing that Booster should be 40 years old, but 23 is probably a little too young for such an accomplished hero.

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